Source code for ae.updater

application environment updater

this module is providing check functions running on app startup for easy deployment of Python application updates.

updater check functions

update any files on the destination machine with the help of the check functions :func:`check_moves` and

the check function :func:`check_local_updates` checks if your deployment package contains a Python update script that
will be executed (and only one time after an app update) on the next startup of your application.

for a temporary work-around or bug-fix you can deploy your application update with a bootstrap Python script which will
be executed on every startup of your application. the detection and execution of such bootstrap script is done by the
function :func:`check_local_bootstrap`-

the function :func:`check_all` combines all the above checks.

the following skeleton of a main app module demonstrates a typical usage of :func:`check_all`::

    from python_and_3rd_party_libs import ...
    from ae.updater import check_all
    from project_local_libs import ...


    app = WhatEverApp(app_name=...)

replace the :func:`check_all` call with the needed check function(s) if your app only needs certain checks.

.. note::
    make sure that the check function(s) get called before you initialize any app instances if you want to update ony
    :ref:`config-variables`, like :ref:`application status` or user preferences.

..hint: more info you find in the doc-strings of each of the check functions.
import os
from typing import List

from ae.base import PACKAGE_INCLUDE_FILES_PREFIX, PY_EXT, module_attr               # type: ignore
from ae.paths import copy_files, move_files, coll_folders, Collector                # type: ignore

__version__ = '0.3.14'



[docs]def check_copies(src_folder: str = COPIES_SRC_FOLDER_NAME, dst_folder: str = "") -> List[str]: """ check on new or missing files to be copied from src_folder to the dst_folder. :param src_folder: path to source folder/directory where the files get copied from. If not specified then :data:`COPIES_SRC_FOLDER_NAME` will be used. :param dst_folder: path to destination folder/directory where the files get copied to. If not specified or if you pass an empty string then the user data/preferences path ({usr}) will be used. :return: list of moved files, with their destination path. """ if not dst_folder: dst_folder = "{usr}" return copy_files(src_folder, dst_folder)
[docs]def check_moves(src_folder: str = MOVES_SRC_FOLDER_NAME, dst_folder: str = "") -> List[str]: """ check on missing files to be moved from src_folder to the dst_folder. :param src_folder: path to source folder/directory where the files get moved from. If not specified then :data:`MOVES_SRC_FOLDER_NAME` will be used. Please note that the source folder itself will neither be moved nor removed (but will be empty after the operation finished). :param dst_folder: path to destination folder/directory where the files get moved to. If not specified or if you pass an empty string then the user data/preferences path ({usr}) will be used. :return: list of moved files, with their destination path. """ if not dst_folder: dst_folder = "{usr}" return move_files(src_folder, dst_folder)
[docs]def check_overwrites(src_folder: str = OVERWRITES_SRC_FOLDER_NAME, dst_folder: str = "") -> List[str]: """ check on files to be moved from the source directory and overwritten within the destination directory. :param src_folder: path to source folder/directory where the files get moved from. If not specified then :data:`MOVES_SRC_FOLDER_NAME` will be used. Please note that the source folder itself will neither be moved nor removed (but will be empty after the operation finished). :param dst_folder: path to destination folder/directory where the files get moved to. If not specified or if you pass an empty string then the user data/preferences path ({usr}) will be used. :return: list of moved and possibly overwritten files, with their destination path. """ if not dst_folder: dst_folder = "{usr}" return move_files(src_folder, dst_folder, overwrite=True)
[docs]def check_local_updates() -> bool: """ check if ae_updater script exists in the current working directory to be executed and deleted. .. note: ff the module :data:`UPDATER_MODULE_NAME` exists, is declaring a :func:`run_updater` function and that function is returning a non-empty return value (evaluating as boolean True) then the module will be automatically deleted after the execution of the function. :return: return value (True) of executed run_updater method (if module&function exists), else False. """ func = module_attr(UPDATER_MODULE_NAME, attr_name='run_updater') ret = func() if func else False if ret: os.remove(UPDATER_MODULE_NAME + PY_EXT) return ret
[docs]def check_local_bootstraps() -> bool: """ check if ae_bootstrap script exists in the current working directory to be executed on app startup. :return: return value (True) of executed run_updater function (if module&function exists) else False. """ func = module_attr(BOOTSTRAP_MODULE_NAME, attr_name='run_updater') return func() if func else False
[docs]def check_all(copy_src_folder: str = "", move_src_folder: str = "", over_src_folder: str = "", dst_folder: str = "") -> List[str]: """ check all outstanding scripts to be executed and files to be moved/overwritten. :param copy_src_folder: path to source folder/directory where the files get copied from. if not specified or if you pass an empty string then :data:`COPIES_SRC_FOLDER_NAME` will be used. :param move_src_folder: path to source folder/directory where the files get moved from. if not specified or if you pass an empty string then :data:`MOVES_SRC_FOLDER_NAME` will be used. :param over_src_folder: path to source folder/directory where the files get moved from and overwritten to. if not specified then :data:`OVERWRITES_SRC_FOLDER_NAME` will be used. :param dst_folder: path to destination folder/directory where the files get moved to. if not specified or if you pass an empty string then the user data/preferences path ({usr}) will be used. :return: list of processed (copied, moved or overwritten) files, with their destination path. """ if not copy_src_folder: copy_src_folder = COPIES_SRC_FOLDER_NAME if not move_src_folder: move_src_folder = MOVES_SRC_FOLDER_NAME if not over_src_folder: over_src_folder = OVERWRITES_SRC_FOLDER_NAME check_local_updates() check_local_bootstraps() processed = [] coll = Collector(item_collector=coll_folders) coll.collect('{cwd}', append=copy_src_folder, only_first_of='prefix') if coll.paths: processed += check_copies(src_folder=coll.paths[0], dst_folder=dst_folder) coll = Collector(item_collector=coll_folders) coll.collect('{cwd}', append=move_src_folder, only_first_of='prefix') if coll.paths: processed += check_moves(src_folder=coll.paths[0], dst_folder=dst_folder) coll = Collector(item_collector=coll_folders) coll.collect('{cwd}', append=over_src_folder, only_first_of='prefix') if coll.paths: processed += check_overwrites(src_folder=coll.paths[0], dst_folder=dst_folder) return processed