
basic constants, helper functions and context manager

this module is pure python, has no external dependencies, and is providing base constants, common helper functions and context managers.

base constants

ISO format strings for date and datetime values are provided by the constants DATE_ISO and DATE_TIME_ISO.

the UNSET constant is useful in cases where None is a valid data value and another special value is needed to specify that e.g. an argument or attribute has no (valid) value or did not get specified/passed.

default values to compile file and folder names for a package or an app project are provided by the constants: DOCS_FOLDER, TESTS_FOLDER, TEMPLATES_FOLDER, BUILD_CONFIG_FILE, PACKAGE_INCLUDE_FILES_PREFIX, PY_EXT, PY_INIT, PY_MAIN, CFG_EXT and INI_EXT.

the constants PACKAGE_NAME, PACKAGE_DOMAIN and PERMISSIONS are mainly used for apps running on mobile devices. to avoid redundancies, these values get loaded from the build config file - if it exists in the current working directory.

base helper functions

to write more compact and readable code for the most common file I/O operations, the helper functions read_file() and write_file() are wrapping Python’s built-in open() function and its context manager.

the function duplicates() returns the duplicates of an iterable type.

norm_line_sep() is converting any combination of line separators of a string to a single new-line character.

norm_name() converts any string into a name that can be used e.g. as file name or as method/attribute name.

to normalize a file path, in order to remove ., .. placeholders, to resolve symbolic links or to make it relative or absolute, call the function norm_path().

camel_to_snake() and snake_to_camel() providing name conversions of class and method names.

to encode unicode strings to other codecs the functions force_encoding() and to_ascii() can be used.

the round_traditional() function get provided by this module for traditional rounding of float values. the function signature is fully compatible to Python’s round() function.

the function instantiate_config_parser() ensures that the ConfigParser instance is correctly configured, e.g. to support case-sensitive config variable names and to use ExtendedInterpolation for the interpolation argument.

app_name_guess() guesses the name of o running Python application from the application environment, with the help of build_config_variable_values(), which determines config-variable-values from the build spec file of an app project.

operating system constants and helpers

the string os_platform provides the OS where your app is running, extending Python’s sys.platform() for mobile platforms like Android and iOS.

os_host_name(), os_local_ip() and os_user_name() are determining machine and user information from the OS.

use env_str() to determine the value of an OS environment variable with automatic variable name conversion. other helper functions provided by this namespace portion to determine the values of the most important system environment variables for your application are sys_env_dict() and sys_env_text().

android-specific constants and helper functions

some helper functions of this module are provided to be used for the Android OS.

the helper function start_app_service() is starting a service in its own, separate thread. with the function request_app_permissions() you can ensure that all your Android permissions will be requested. the module ae.kivy.apps does this automatically on app startup. on other platforms than Android it will have no effect to call these functions.


importing this module on an Android OS, it is monkey patching the shutil module to prevent crashes.

links to other android code and service examples and documentation:

big thanks to Robert Flatt for his investigations, findings and documentations to code and build Kivy apps for the Android OS, and to Gabriel Pettier for his service osc example.

generic context manager

the context manager in_wd() allows to switch the current working directory temporarily. the following example demonstrates a typical usage, together with a temporary path, created with the help of Pythons TemporaryDirectory class:

with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir, in_wd(tmp_dir):
    # within the context the tmp_dir is set as the current working directory
    assert os.getcwd() == tmp_dir
# current working directory set back to the original path and the temporary directory got removed

call stack inspection

module_attr() dynamically determines a reference to an attribute (variable, function, class, …) in a module.

module_name(), stack_frames(), stack_var() and stack_vars() are inspecting the call stack frames to determine e.g. variable values of the callers of a function/method.


the AppBase class uses these helper functions to determine the version and title of an application, if these values are not specified in the instance initializer.

another useful helper function provided by this portion to inspect and debug your code is full_stack_trace().

Module Attributes


project documentation root folder name


name of project folder to store unit/integration tests


template folder name, used in template and namespace root projects to maintain and provide common file templates


gui app build config file


file/folder names prefix included into setup package_data/ae_updater


python cache folder name


file extension for modules and hooks


init-module file name of a python package


main-module file name of a python executable


CFG config file extension


INI config file extension


ISO string format for date values (e.g.


ISO string format for datetime values


default encode error handling for UnicodeEncodeErrors


encoding for force_encoding() that will always work independent from destination (console, file sys, ...).


name parts separator character, e.g.


skipped modules used as default by module_name(), stack_var() and stack_vars()


pseudo value used for attributes/arguments if None is needed as a valid value


operating system / platform string (see _os_platform()).



guess/try to determine the name of the currently running app (w/o assessing not yet initialized app instance).


determine build config variable values from the buildozer.spec file in the current directory.


convert name from CamelCase to snake_case.

deep_dict_update(data, update)

update the optionally nested data dict in-place with the items and sub-items from the update dict.

dummy_function(*_args, **_kwargs)

null function accepting any arguments and returning None.


determine all duplicates in the iterable specified in the values argument.

env_str(name[, convert_name])

determine the string value of an OS environment variable, optionally preventing invalid variable name.

force_encoding(text[, encoding, errors])

force/ensure the encoding of text (str or bytes) without any UnicodeDecodeError/UnicodeEncodeError.


get full stack trace from an exception.

import_module(import_name[, path])

search, import and execute a Python module dynamically without adding it to sys.modules.


context manager to temporary switch the current working directory / cwd.


instantiate and prepare config file parser.


determine tuple of supported main/version file name path part tuples.

module_attr(import_name[, attr_name])

determine dynamically a reference to a module or to any attribute (variable/func/class) declared in the module.


determine the absolute path of the module from which this function got called.

module_name(*skip_modules[, depth])

find the first module in the call stack that is not in skip_modules.


convert any combination of line separators in the text arg to new-line characters.

norm_name(name[, allow_num_prefix])

normalize name to start with a letter/alphabetic/underscore and to contain only alphanumeric/underscore chars.

norm_path(path[, make_absolute, ...])

normalize path, replacing ../. parts or the tilde character (for home folder) and transform to relative/abs.


return the current timestamp as string (to use as suffix for file and variable/attribute names).


determine the operating system host/machine name.


determine ip address of this system/machine in the local network (LAN or WLAN).


determine the operating system username.

project_main_file(import_name[, project_path])

determine the main module file path of a project package, containing the project __version__ module variable.

read_file(file_path[, extra_mode, encoding, ...])

returning content of the text/binary file specified by file_path argument as string.

request_app_permissions(*_args, **_kwargs)

null function accepting any arguments and returning None.

round_traditional(num_value[, num_digits])

round numeric value traditional.

snake_to_camel(name[, back_convertible])

convert name from snake_case to CamelCase.


generator returning the call stack frame from the level given in depth.

stack_var(name, *skip_modules[, scope, depth])

determine variable value in calling stack/frames.

stack_vars(*skip_modules[, find_name, ...])

determine all global and local variables in a calling stack/frames.

start_app_service(*_args, **_kwargs)

null function accepting any arguments and returning None.


returns dict with python system run-time environment values.

sys_env_text([ind_ch, ind_len, key_ch, ...])

compile formatted text block with system environment info.


converts unicode string into ascii representation.

write_file(file_path, content[, extra_mode, ...])

(over)write the file specified by file_path with text or binary/bytes content.



(singleton) UNSET (type) object class.

DOCS_FOLDER = 'docs'

project documentation root folder name

TESTS_FOLDER = 'tests'

name of project folder to store unit/integration tests

TEMPLATES_FOLDER = 'templates'

template folder name, used in template and namespace root projects to maintain and provide common file templates

BUILD_CONFIG_FILE = 'buildozer.spec'

gui app build config file


file/folder names prefix included into setup package_data/ae_updater

PY_CACHE_FOLDER = '__pycache__'

python cache folder name

PY_EXT = '.py'

file extension for modules and hooks

PY_INIT = ''

init-module file name of a python package

PY_MAIN = ''

main-module file name of a python executable

CFG_EXT = '.cfg'

CFG config file extension

INI_EXT = '.ini'

INI config file extension

DATE_ISO = '%Y-%m-%d'

ISO string format for date values (e.g. in config files/variables)

DATE_TIME_ISO = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'

ISO string format for datetime values

DEF_ENCODE_ERRORS = 'backslashreplace'

default encode error handling for UnicodeEncodeErrors

DEF_ENCODING = 'ascii'

encoding for force_encoding() that will always work independent from destination (console, file sys, …).


name parts separator character, e.g. for norm_name()

SKIPPED_MODULES = ('ae.base', 'ae.paths', 'ae.dynamicod', 'ae.core', 'ae.console', 'ae.gui_app', 'ae.gui_help', 'ae.kivy', 'ae.kivy.apps', 'ae.kivy.behaviors', 'ae.kivy.i18n', '', 'ae.kivy.widgets', 'ae.enaml_app', 'ae.beeware_app', 'ae.pyglet_app', 'ae.pygobject_app', 'ae.dabo_app', 'ae.qpython_app', 'ae.appjar_app', 'importlib._bootstrap', 'importlib._bootstrap_external')

skipped modules used as default by module_name(), stack_var() and stack_vars()

class UnsetType[source]

Bases: object

(singleton) UNSET (type) object class.


ensure to be evaluated as False, like None.


ensure to be evaluated as empty.

UNSET = <ae.base.UnsetType object>

pseudo value used for attributes/arguments if None is needed as a valid value


guess/try to determine the name of the currently running app (w/o assessing not yet initialized app instance).

Return type:



application name/id or “unguessable” if not guessable.

build_config_variable_values(*names_defaults, section='app')[source]

determine build config variable values from the buildozer.spec file in the current directory.

  • names_defaults (Tuple[str, Any]) – tuple of tuples of build config variable names and default values.

  • section (str) – name of the spec file section, using ‘app’ as default.

Return type:

Tuple[Any, ...]


tuple of build config variable values (using the passed default value if not specified in the BUILD_CONFIG_FILE spec file or if the spec file does not exist in cwd).


convert name from CamelCase to snake_case.


name (str) – name string in CamelCaseFormat.

Return type:



name in snake_case_format.

deep_dict_update(data, update)[source]

update the optionally nested data dict in-place with the items and sub-items from the update dict.

  • data (dict) – dict to be updated/extended. non-existing keys of dict-sub-items will be added.

  • update (dict) – dict with the [sub-]items to update in the data dict.


the module/portion ae.deep is providing more deep update helper functions.

dummy_function(*_args, **_kwargs)[source]

null function accepting any arguments and returning None.

  • _args – ignored positional arguments.

  • _kwargs – ignored keyword arguments.


always None.


determine all duplicates in the iterable specified in the values argument.

inspired by Ritesh Kumars answer to


values (Iterable) – iterable (list, tuple, str, …) to search for duplicate items.

Return type:



list of the duplicate items found (can contain the same duplicate multiple times).

env_str(name, convert_name=False)[source]

determine the string value of an OS environment variable, optionally preventing invalid variable name.

  • name (str) – name of an OS environment variable.

  • convert_name (bool) – pass True to prevent invalid variable names by converting CamelCase names into SNAKE_CASE, lower-case into upper-case and all non-alpha-numeric characters into underscore characters.

Return type:



string value of OS environment variable if found, else None.

force_encoding(text, encoding='ascii', errors='backslashreplace')[source]

force/ensure the encoding of text (str or bytes) without any UnicodeDecodeError/UnicodeEncodeError.

Return type:



text as str (with all characters checked/converted/replaced to be encode-able).


get full stack trace from an exception.


ex (Exception) – exception instance.

Return type:



str with stack trace info.

import_module(import_name, path=<ae.base.UnsetType object>)[source]

search, import and execute a Python module dynamically without adding it to sys.modules.

  • import_name (str) – dot-name of the module to import.

  • path (Union[str, UnsetType, None]) – optional file path of the module to import. if this arg is not specified or has the default value (UNSET), then the path will be determined from the import name. specify None to prevent the module search.

Return type:



a reference to the loaded module or None if module could not be imported.


instantiate and prepare config file parser.

Return type:



context manager to temporary switch the current working directory / cwd.


new_cwd (str) – path to the directory to switch to (within the context/with block). an empty string gets interpreted as the current working directory.

Return type:

Generator[None, None, None]


determine tuple of supported main/version file name path part tuples.


portion_name (str) – portion or package name.

Return type:

Tuple[Tuple[str, ...], ...]


tuple of tuples of main/version file name path parts.

module_attr(import_name, attr_name='')[source]

determine dynamically a reference to a module or to any attribute (variable/func/class) declared in the module.

  • import_name (str) – import-/dot-name of the distribution/module/package to load/import.

  • attr_name (str) – name of the attribute declared within the module. do not specify or pass an empty string to get/return a reference to the imported module instance.

Return type:



module instance or module attribute value or None if module not found or UNSET if module attribute doesn’t exist.


a previously not imported module will not be added to sys.modules by this function.


determine the absolute path of the module from which this function got called.


local_object (Optional[Callable]) – optional local module, class, method, function, traceback, frame, or code object of the calling module (passing lambda: 0 also works). omit to use instead the __file__ module variable (which will not work if the module is frozen by py2exe or PyInstaller).

Return type:



module path (inclusive module file name) or empty string if path not found/determinable.

module_name(*skip_modules, depth=0)[source]

find the first module in the call stack that is not in skip_modules.

  • skip_modules (str) – module names to skip (def=this ae.core module).

  • depth (int) – the calling level from which on to search. the default value 0 refers the frame and the module of the caller of this function. pass 1 or an even higher value if you want to get the module name of a function/method in a deeper level in the call stack.

Return type:



the module name of the call stack level specified by depth.


convert any combination of line separators in the text arg to new-line characters.


text (str) – string containing any combination of line separators (’\r\n’ or ‘\r’).

Return type:



normalized/converted string with only new-line (’\n’) line separator characters.

norm_name(name, allow_num_prefix=False)[source]

normalize name to start with a letter/alphabetic/underscore and to contain only alphanumeric/underscore chars.

  • name (str) – any string to be converted into a valid variable/method/file/… name.

  • allow_num_prefix (bool) – pass True to allow leading digits in the returned normalized name.

Return type:



cleaned/normalized/converted name string (e.g. for a variable-/method-/file-name).

norm_path(path, make_absolute=True, remove_base_path='', remove_dots=True, resolve_sym_links=True)[source]

normalize path, replacing ../. parts or the tilde character (for home folder) and transform to relative/abs.

  • path (str) – path string to normalize/transform.

  • make_absolute (bool) – pass False to not convert path to an absolute path.

  • remove_base_path (str) – pass a valid base path to return a relative path, even if the argument values of make_absolute or resolve_sym_links are True.

  • remove_dots (bool) – pass False to not replace/remove the . and .. placeholders.

  • resolve_sym_links (bool) – pass False to not resolve symbolic links, passing True implies a True value also for the make_absolute argument.

Return type:



normalized path string: absolute if remove_base_path is empty and either make_absolute or resolve_sym_links is True; relative if remove_base_path is a base path of path or if path got specified as relative path and neither make_absolute nor resolve_sym_links is True.


the normalize() function additionally replaces PATH_PLACEHOLDERS.


return the current timestamp as string (to use as suffix for file and variable/attribute names).


sep (str) – optional prefix and separator character (separating date from time and in time part the seconds from the microseconds).

Return type:



timestamp as string (length=20 + 3 * len(sep)).


determine the operating system host/machine name.

Return type:



machine name string.


determine ip address of this system/machine in the local network (LAN or WLAN).

inspired by answers of SO users @dml and @fatal_error to the question:

Return type:



ip address of this machine in the local network (WLAN or LAN/ethernet) or empty string if this machine is not connected to any network.


determine the operating system where this code is running (used to initialize the os_platform variable).

Return type:



operating system (extension) as string:

  • ’android’ for all Android systems.

  • ’cygwin’ for MS Windows with an installed Cygwin extension.

  • ’darwin’ for all Apple Mac OS X systems.

  • ’freebsd’ for all other BSD-based unix systems.

  • ’ios’ for all Apple iOS systems.

  • ’linux’ for all other unix systems (like Arch, Debian/Ubuntu, Suse, …).

  • ’win32’ for MS Windows systems (w/o the Cygwin extension).

os_platform = 'linux'

operating system / platform string (see _os_platform()).

this string value gets determined for most of the operating systems with the help of Python’s sys.platform() function and additionally detects the operating systems iOS and Android (not supported by Python).


determine the operating system username.

Return type:



username string.

project_main_file(import_name, project_path='')[source]

determine the main module file path of a project package, containing the project __version__ module variable.

  • import_name (str) – import name of the module/package (including namespace prefixes for namespace packages).

  • project_path (str) – optional path where the project of the package/module is situated. not needed if the current working directory is the root folder of either the import_name project or of a sister project (under the same project parent folder).

Return type:



absolute file path/name of main module or empty string if no main/version file found.

read_file(file_path, extra_mode='', encoding=None, error_handling='ignore')[source]

returning content of the text/binary file specified by file_path argument as string.

  • file_path (str) – file path/name to load into a string or a bytes array.

  • extra_mode (str) – extra open mode flag characters appended to “r” onto open() mode argument. pass “b” to read the content of a binary file returned as bytes array. in binary mode the argument passed in error_handling will be ignored.

  • encoding (Optional[str]) – encoding used to load and convert/interpret the file content.

  • error_handling (str) – for files opened in text mode pass ‘strict’ or None to return None (instead of an empty string) for the cases where either a decoding ValueError exception or any OSError, FileNotFoundError or PermissionError exception got raised. the default value ‘ignore’ will ignore any decoding errors (missing some characters) and will return an empty string on any file/os exception. this parameter will be ignored if the extra_mode argument contains the ‘b’ character (to read the file content as binary/bytes-array).

Return type:

Union[str, bytes]


file content string or bytes array.

round_traditional(num_value, num_digits=0)[source]

round numeric value traditional.

needed because python round() is working differently, e.g. round(0.075, 2) == 0.07 instead of 0.08 inspired by

  • num_value (float) – float value to be round.

  • num_digits (int) – number of digits to be round (def=0 - rounds to an integer value).

Return type:



rounded value.

snake_to_camel(name, back_convertible=False)[source]

convert name from snake_case to CamelCase.

  • name (str) – name string composed of parts separated by an underscore character (NAME_PARTS_SEP).

  • back_convertible (bool) – pass True to get the first character of the returned name in lower-case if the snake name has no leading underscore character (and to allow the conversion between snake and camel case without information loss).

Return type:



name in camel case.


generator returning the call stack frame from the level given in depth.


depth (int) – the stack level to start; the first returned frame by this generator. the default value (1) refers the next deeper stack frame, respectively the one of the caller of this function. pass 2 or a higher value if you want to start with an even deeper frame/level.

Return type:



generated frames of the call stack.

stack_var(name, *skip_modules, scope='', depth=1)[source]

determine variable value in calling stack/frames.

  • name (str) – variable name to search in the calling stack frames.

  • skip_modules (str) – module names to skip (def=see SKIPPED_MODULES module constant).

  • scope (str) – pass ‘locals’ to only check for local variables (ignoring globals) or ‘globals’ to only check for global variables (ignoring locals). the default value (an empty string) will not restrict the scope, returning either a local or global value.

  • depth (int) – the calling level from which on to search. the default value (1) refers the next deeper stack frame, which is the caller of the function. pass 2 or an even higher value if you want to start the variable search from a deeper level in the call stack.

Return type:



the variable value of a deeper level within the call stack or UNSET if the variable was not found.

stack_vars(*skip_modules, find_name='', min_depth=1, max_depth=0, scope='')[source]

determine all global and local variables in a calling stack/frames.

  • skip_modules (str) – module names to skip (def=see SKIPPED_MODULES module constant).

  • find_name (str) – if passed then the returned stack frame must contain a variable with the passed name.

  • scope (str) – scope to search the variable name passed via find_name. pass ‘locals’ to only search for local variables (ignoring globals) or ‘globals’ to only check for global variables (ignoring locals). passing an empty string will find the variable within either locals and globals.

  • min_depth (int) – the call stack level from which on to search. the default value (1) refers the next deeper stack frame, respectively to the caller of this function. pass 2 or a higher value if you want to get the variables from a deeper level in the call stack.

  • max_depth (int) – the maximum depth in the call stack from which to return the variables. if the specified argument is not zero and no skip_modules are specified then the first deeper stack frame that is not within the default SKIPPED_MODULES will be returned. if this argument and find_name get not passed then the variables of the top stack frame will be returned.

Return type:

Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any], int]


tuple of the global and local variable dicts and the depth in the call stack.


returns dict with python system run-time environment values.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]


python system run-time environment values like python_ver, argv, cwd, executable, frozen and bundle_dir (if bundled with pyinstaller).

sys_env_text(ind_ch=' ', ind_len=12, key_ch='=', key_len=15, extra_sys_env_dict=None)[source]

compile formatted text block with system environment info.

  • ind_ch (str) – indent character (default=” “).

  • ind_len (int) – indent depths (default=12 characters).

  • key_ch (str) – key-value separator character (default=”=”).

  • key_len (int) – key-name minimum length (default=15 characters).

  • extra_sys_env_dict (Optional[Dict[str, str]]) – dict with additional system info items.

Return type:



text block with system environment info.


converts unicode string into ascii representation.

useful for fuzzy string compare; inspired by MiniQuark’s answer in:


unicode_str (str) – string to convert.

Return type:



converted string (replaced accents, diacritics, … into normal ascii characters).

write_file(file_path, content, extra_mode='', encoding=None)[source]

(over)write the file specified by file_path with text or binary/bytes content.

  • file_path (str) – file path/name to write the passed content into (overwriting any previous content!).

  • content (Union[str, bytes]) – new file content either passed as string or list of line strings (will be concatenated with the line separator of the current OS: os.linesep).

  • extra_mode (str) – open mode flag characters. passed unchanged to the mode argument of open() if this argument starts with ‘a’, else this argument value will be appended to ‘w’.

  • encoding (Optional[str]) – encoding used to write/convert/interpret the file content to write.

request_app_permissions(*_args, **_kwargs)[source]

null function accepting any arguments and returning None.

  • _args – ignored positional arguments.

  • _kwargs – ignored keyword arguments.


always None.

start_app_service(*_args, **_kwargs)[source]

null function accepting any arguments and returning None.

  • _args – ignored positional arguments.

  • _kwargs – ignored keyword arguments.


always None.