Source code for ae.kivy.i18n

ae.kivy.i18n module

this module is adding translatable f-strings to the python and kv code of your app,
via the helper function :func:`~ae.kivy.i18n.get_txt` and the :class:`~ae.kivy.i18n._GetTextBinder` class.

from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

from import App                                                                                # type: ignore
from kivy.event import Observable                                                                       # type: ignore
from kivy.lang import global_idmap                                                                      # type: ignore

from ae.i18n import default_language, get_f_string                                                      # type: ignore

[docs]class _GetTextBinder(Observable): """ redirect :func:`ae.i18n.get_f_string` to an instance of this class. kivy currently only support a single one automatic binding in kv files for all function names ending with `_` (see `watched_keys` extension in kivy/lang/ line 201; e.g. `f_` would get recognized by the lang_tr re pattern, but kivy will only add the `_` symbol to watched_keys and therefore `f_` not gets bound.) to allow both - f-strings and simple get_text messages - this module binds :func:`ae.i18n.get_f_string` to the `get_txt` symbol (instead of :func:`ae.i18n.get_text`). :data:`get_txt` can be used as translation callable, but also to switch the current default language. additionally :data:`get_txt` is implemented as an observer that automatically updates any translations messages of all active/visible kv rules on switch of the language at app run-time. inspired by (see also discussion at - - - """ observers: List[Tuple[Callable, tuple, dict]] = [] #: list of bound observer tuples (func, args, kwargs) _bound_uid = -1
[docs] def fbind(self, name: str, func: Callable, *args, **kwargs) -> int: """ override fbind (fast bind) from :class:`Observable` to collect and separate `_` bindings. :param name: attribute name to be bound. :param func: observer notification function (to be called if attribute changes). :param args: args to be passed to the observer. :param kwargs: kwargs to be passed to the observer. :return: unique id of this binding. """ if name == "_": # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences self.observers.append((func.__call__, args, kwargs)) # type: ignore # __call__ to prevent weakly-ref-err # Observable.bound_uid - initialized in _event.pyx/Observable.cinit() - is not available in python: # uid = self.bound_uid # also not available via getattr(self, 'bound_uid') # self.bound_uid += 1 # return uid uid = self._bound_uid self._bound_uid -= 1 return uid # alternative ugly hack: return -len(self.observers) return super().fbind(name, func, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def funbind(self, name: str, func: Callable, *args, **kwargs): """ override fast unbind. :param name: bound attribute name. :param func: observer notification function (called if attribute changed). :param args: args to be passed to the observer. :param kwargs: kwargs to be passed to the observer. """ if name == "_": # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences key = (func.__call__, args, kwargs) # type: ignore # __call__ to prevent ReferenceError: weakly-ref if key in self.observers: self.observers.remove(key) else: super().funbind(name, func, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def switch_lang(self, lang_code: str): """ change language and update kv rules properties. :param lang_code: language code to switch this app to. """ default_language(lang_code) app = App.get_running_app() for func, args, _kwargs in self.observers: app.main_app.vpo(f"_GetTextBinder.switch_lang({lang_code}) calling observer {str(args[0])[:45]}") try: func(args[0], None, None) except ReferenceError as ex: # pragma: no cover # ReferenceError: weakly-referenced object no longer exists app.main_app.dpo(f"_GetTextBinder.switch_lang({lang_code}) exception {ex}") app.title = get_txt(app.main_app.app_title)
[docs] def __call__(self, text: str, count: Optional[int] = None, language: str = '', loc_vars: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs) -> str: """ translate text into the current-default or the passed language. :param text: text to translate. :param count: optional count for pluralization. :param language: language code to translate the passed text to (def=current default language). :param loc_vars: local variables used in the conversion of the f-string expression to a string. the `count` item of this dict will be overwritten by the value of the :paramref:`~_GetTextBinder.__call__.count` parameter (if this argument got specified). :param kwargs: extra kwargs (e.g. :paramref:`~ae.i18n.get_f_string.glo_vars` or :paramref:`~ae.i18n.get_f_string.key_suffix` - see :func:`~ae.i18n.get_f_string`). :return: translated text. """ if count is not None: if loc_vars is None: loc_vars = {} loc_vars['count'] = count return get_f_string(text, language=language, loc_vars=loc_vars, **kwargs)
get_txt = _GetTextBinder() #: instantiate global i18n translation callable and language switcher helper get_txt.__qualname__ = 'GetTextBinder' # hide sphinx build warning (build crashes if the get_txt var get documented) global_idmap['_'] = get_txt # bind as function/callable with the name `_` to be used in kv files