Source code for ae.django_utils

helpers for django projects

this module is providing helper functions for your django projects.

from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse

from django.utils.translation import get_language       # type: ignore

__version__ = '0.3.1'

[docs]def generic_language(lang_code: str) -> str: """ remove the country specific part - if exists - from the passed language code. :param lang_code: lower-case language code with optional hyphen and country specific part. :return: stripped/short language code (e.g. return "en" if lang_code == "en-gb") """ return lang_code.split('-')[0]
[docs]def requested_language() -> str: """ determine the currently requested short translation language code, fallback to english/'en' if unset. :return: short (without country specific part) and lower-case language code """ lang_code = get_language() or 'en' return generic_language(lang_code)
[docs]def set_url_part(url: str, fragment: str = "", query: str = "", **set_part_values) -> str: """ add or replace fragment and/or query string of url. :param url: url to complete by adding and/or updating parts of it. :param fragment: id of the fragment to add/replace. :param query: query string to add/replace. :param set_part_values: other parts like 'scheme', 'netloc', 'path', 'params' (see :func:urllib.parse.urlparse). :return: url with added/replaced parts. """ if query: set_part_values['query'] = query if fragment: set_part_values['fragment'] = fragment if set_part_values: url_parts = urlparse(url) # noinspection PyProtectedMember url_parts = url_parts._replace(**set_part_values) url = urlunparse(url_parts) return url