Source code for ae.sys_data_sh

Sihot system data interface

This portion is very old and needs refactoring and much more unit tests.

The sys record data classes provided by this portion are based on client
and server components (to communicate with the Sihot PMS system)
provided by the :mod:`ae.sys_core_sh` portion of the ae namespace package.

    - split into several small modules.
    - enhance type annotation.
    - add much more unit tests.

import datetime
import time
from traceback import format_exc, print_exc
from copy import deepcopy
from textwrap import wrap
import pprint
from typing import Union, Tuple, Optional, Any, Dict, List, Sequence, Iterator

from ae.base import DATE_ISO, full_stack_trace                                              # type: ignore
from ae.parse_date import parse_date                                                        # type: ignore
from ae.core import DEBUG_LEVEL_ENABLED                                                     # type: ignore
from ae.console import ConsoleApp                                                           # type: ignore
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
from ae.sys_data import (                                                                   # type: ignore
    Record, Records, Value, get_current_index, compose_current_index, set_current_index,
    field_name_idx_path, _Field)
from ae.sys_core_sh import (ResKernelGet, ResResponse, SihotXmlParser, SihotXmlBuilder,     # type: ignore
                            SDF_SH_CLIENT_MAP, SDF_SH_RES_MAP)

__version__ = '0.3.8'

ELEM_MISSING = "(missing)"
ELEM_EMPTY = "(empty)"

# ensure client modes (used by ResToSihot.send_res_to_sihot())

ppf = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=12, width=96, depth=9).pformat

[docs]def convert_date_from_sh(xml_string: str) -> """ convert date string sent by the Sihot system into a value. """ return parse_date(xml_string, ret_date=True) if xml_string else ''
[docs]def convert_date_onto_sh(date: -> str: """ convert value into a date string in the format of the Sihot system. """ return (date if isinstance(date, str) else, DATE_ISO)) if date else ''
# ELEMENT-FIELD-MAP-TUPLE-INDEXES ################################# # mapping element name in tuple item [0] onto field name in [1], default field value in [2], hideIf callable in [3], # .. from-converter in [4] and onto-converter in [5] MTI_ELEM_NAME = 0 MTI_FLD_NAME = 1 MTI_FLD_VAL = 2 MTI_FLD_FILTER = 3 MTI_FLD_CNV_FROM = 4 MTI_FLD_CNV_ONTO = 5 SH_CLIENT_MAP = \ ( ('OBJID', 'ShId', None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_INSERT) or not f.val()), ('MATCHCODE', 'AcuId'), ('T-SALUTATION', 'Salutation'), # also exists T-ADDRESS/T-PERSONAL-SALUTATION ('T-TITLE', 'Title'), ('T-GUEST', 'GuestType', '1'), ('NAME-1', 'Surname'), ('NAME-2', 'Forename'), ('STREET', 'Street'), ('PO-BOX', 'POBox'), ('ZIP', 'Postal'), ('CITY', 'City'), ('T-COUNTRY-CODE', 'Country'), ('T-STATE', 'State', None, lambda f: not f.val()), ('T-LANGUAGE', 'Language'), ('T-NATION', 'Nationality', None, lambda f: not f.val()), ('COMMENT', 'Comment'), ('COMMUNICATION/', None, None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_SEARCH)), # both currency fields are greyed out in Sihot UI (can be sent but does not be returned by Kernel interface) # ('T-STANDARD-CURRENCY', 'Currency', None, # alternatively use T-PROFORMA-CURRENCY # lambda f: not f.val()), ('PHONE-1', 'Phone'), ('PHONE-2', 'WorkPhone'), ('FAX-1', 'Fax'), ('EMAIL-1', 'Email'), ('EMAIL-2', 'EmailB'), ('MOBIL-1', 'MobilePhone'), ('MOBIL-2', 'MobilePhoneB'), ('/COMMUNICATION', None, None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_SEARCH)), ('ADD-DATA/', None, None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_SEARCH)), ('T-PERSON-GROUP', None, '1A'), ('D-BIRTHDAY', 'DOB', None, None, lambda f, v: convert_date_from_sh(v), lambda f, v: convert_date_onto_sh(v)), # 27-09-17: removed b4 migration of BHH/HMC because CD_INDUSTRY1/2 needs first grouping into 3-alphanumeric code # ('T-PROFESSION', 'CD_INDUSTRY1'), ('INTERNET-PASSWORD', 'Password'), ('MATCH-ADM', 'RciId'), ('MATCH-SM', 'SfId'), ('/ADD-DATA', None, None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_SEARCH)), # uncomment/implement ExtRefs after Sihot allowing multiple identical TYPE values (e.g. for RCI) # ('L-EXTIDS/', None, None, # lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_SEARCH)), # ('EXTID/', None, None, # lambda f: not f.rfv('ExtRefs')), # ('EXTID' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'TYPE', ('ExtRefs', 0, 'Type'), None, # lambda f: not f.rfv('ExtRefs') or not f.srv()), # ('EXTID' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'ID', ('ExtRefs', 0, 'Id'), None, # lambda f: not f.rfv('ExtRefs') or not f.srv()), # ('/EXTID', None, None, # lambda f: not f.rfv('ExtRefs')), # ('/L-EXTIDS', None, None, # lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_SEARCH)), ) """ default map for ClientFromSihot.elem_fld_map instance. as read-only constant by AcuClientToSihot using the SIHOT KERNEL interface because SiHOT WEB V9 has missing fields: initials (CD_INIT1/2) and profession (CD_INDUSTRY1/2). """ ''' SH_CLIENT_PARSE_MAP = \ ( ('EXT_REFS', 'ExtRefs'), # only for elemHideIf expressions ('CDLREF', 'CDL_CODE'), # ('STATUS', 'CD_STATUS', 500), # ('PAF_STAT', 'CD_PAF_STATUS', 0), ) ''' # Reservation interface mappings - first the mapping for the WEB interface. # # taken from SIHOT.WEB IF doc page 58: # The first scope contains the following mandatory fields for all external systems and for SIHOT.PMS: # # <GDSNO>, <RT>, <ARR>, <DEP>, <LAST-MOD>, <CAT>, <NOPAX>, <NOCHILDS>, <NOROOMS>, <NAME> or <COMPANY>. # # With reservations from external systems is <PRICE-TOTAL> a mandatory field. With reservations for SIHOT.PMS, # <MATCHCODE> and <PWD> are mandatory fields. SH_RES_MAP = \ ( ('SIHOT-Document' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'ID', 'ResHotelId'), # [RES-]HOTEL/IDLIST/MANDATOR-NO/EXTERNAL-SYSTEM-ID ('ARESLIST/', ), ('RESERVATION/', ), # ### main reservation info: orderer, status, external booking references, room/price category, ... ('RESERVATION' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'RES-HOTEL', 'ResHotelId'), ('RESERVATION' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'RES-NR', 'ResId', None, lambda f: not f.val()), ('RESERVATION' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'SUB-NR', 'ResSubId', None, lambda f: not f.val()), ('RESERVATION' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'OBJID', 'ResObjId', None, lambda f: not f.val()), ('GDSNO', 'ResGdsNo'), # ('NN2', 'ResSfId', None, # lambda f: not f.val()), # MATCHCODE, NAME, COMPANY and GUEST-ID are mutually exclusive # MATCHCODE/GUEST-ID needed for DELETE action to prevent Sihot error: # .. "Could not find a key identifier for the client (name, matchcode, ...)" # ('GUEST-ID', 'ShId', None, # lambda f: not f.rfv('ShId')}, ('RESERVATION' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'GUEST-ID', 'ShId'), # , None, lambda f: not f.val()), # GUEST-OBJID used in SS/RES-SEARCH responses instead of GUEST-ID for parsing orderer - always hide in xml build ('RESERVATION' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'GUEST-OBJID', 'ShId'), ('RESERVATION' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'MATCHCODE', 'AcuId'), ('RESERVATION' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'NAME', 'Surname'), ('VOUCHERNUMBER', 'ResVoucherNo', None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE)), ('EXT-KEY', 'ResGroupNo', None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE) or not f.val()), ('FLAGS', None, 'IGNORE-OVERBOOKING'), # ;NO-FALLBACK-TO-ERRONEOUS'), ('RT', 'ResStatus'), # ResRoomCat results in error 1011 for tk->TC/TK bookings with room move and room with higher/different room # .. cat, therefore use price category as room category for Thomas Cook Bookings. # .. similar problems we experienced when we added the RCI Allotments (here the CAT need to be the default cat) # .. on the 24-05-2018 so finally we replaced the category of the (maybe) allocated room with the cat that # .. get determined from the requested room size ('CAT', 'ResRoomCat'), # needed for DELETE action ('PCAT', 'ResPriceCat', None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE)), ('ALLOTMENT-EXT-NO', 'ResAllotmentNo', '', lambda f: not f.val()), ('PAYMENT-INST', 'ResAccount', None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE) or not f.val()), ('SALES-DATE', 'ResBooked', None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE) or not f.val(), lambda f, v: convert_date_from_sh(v), lambda f, v: convert_date_onto_sh(v)), ('RATE-SEGMENT', 'ResRateSegment', None, lambda f: not f.val(), ''), ('RATE/', None, None, # default package/arrangement has also to be specified in ResPersons/PERSON lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE) or f.srv('ResRates', 0, 'RateAmount')), ('RATE' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'R', 'ResBoard', None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE) or f.srv('ResRates', 0, 'RateAmount')), ('RATE' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'ISDEFAULT', None, 'Y', lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE) or f.srv('ResRates', 0, 'RateAmount')), ('/RATE', None, None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE) or f.srv('ResRates', 0, 'RateAmount')), ('RATE/', None, None, # alternative to previous default RATE section to specify daily prices lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE) or not f.srv('ResRates', 0, 'RateAmount')), ('RATE' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'R', 'ResRateBoard', None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE) or not f.srv('ResRates', 0, 'RateAmount')), ('RATE' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'ISDEFAULT', None, 'Y', lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE) or not f.srv('ResRates', 0, 'RateAmount')), ('RATE' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'DAYS/', None, None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE) or not f.srv('ResRates', 0, 'RateAmount')), ('RATE' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'DAYS' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'D', ('ResRates', 0, 'RateDay'), None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE) or not f.rfv('ResRates', f.crx(), 'RateAmount'), lambda f, v: convert_date_from_sh(v), lambda f, v: convert_date_onto_sh(v)), ('RATE' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'DAYS' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'PRICE', ('ResRates', 0, 'RateAmount'), None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE) or not f.rfv('ResRates', f.crx(), 'RateAmount')), ('RATE' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + '/DAYS', None, None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE) or not f.srv('ResRates', 0, 'RateAmount')), ('/RATE', None, None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE) or not f.srv('ResRates', 0, 'RateAmount')), ('RATE/', None, None, # additional RATE section for external rental GSC package lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE) or f.rfv('ResMktSegment') not in ('ER', )), ('RATE' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'R', None, 'GSC', lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE) or f.rfv('ResMktSegment') not in ('ER', )), ('RATE' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'ISDEFAULT', None, 'N', lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE) or f.rfv('ResMktSegment') not in ('ER', )), ('/RATE', None, None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE) or f.rfv('ResMktSegment') not in ('ER', )), # The following fallback rate results in error Package TO not valid for hotel 1 # ('RATE/', ), # ('R', 'RO_SIHOT_RATE'}, # ('ISDEFAULT', None, 'N'), # ('/RATE', ), # ### Reservation Channels - used for assignment of reservation to a allotment or to board payment ('RESCHANNELLIST/', None, None, lambda f: not f.rfv('ResAllotmentNo') or f.rfv('ResMktGroup') not in ('OW', 'FB', 'RE', 'RI')), ('RESCHANNEL/', None, None, lambda f: not f.rfv('ResAllotmentNo') or f.rfv('ResMktGroup') not in ('OW', 'FB', 'RE', 'RI')), # needed to add RCI booking to RCI allotment ('RESCHANNEL' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'IDX', None, 1, lambda f: not f.rfv('ResAllotmentNo') or f.rfv('ResMktGroup') not in ('RE', 'RI')), ('RESCHANNEL' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'MATCHCODE', None, 'RCI', lambda f: not f.rfv('ResAllotmentNo') or f.rfv('ResMktGroup') not in ('RE', 'RI')), ('RESCHANNEL' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'ISPRICEOWNER', None, 1, lambda f: not f.rfv('ResAllotmentNo') or f.rfv('ResMktGroup') not in ('RE', 'RI')), # needed for marketing fly buys for board payment bookings ('RESCHANNEL' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'IDX', None, 1, lambda f: not f.rfv('ResAllotmentNo') or f.rfv('ResMktGroup') != 'FB'), ('RESCHANNEL' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'MATCHCODE', None, 'MAR01', lambda f: not f.rfv('ResAllotmentNo') or f.rfv('ResMktGroup') != 'FB'), ('RESCHANNEL' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'ISPRICEOWNER', None, 1, lambda f: not f.rfv('ResAllotmentNo') or f.rfv('ResMktGroup') != 'FB'), # needed for owner bookings to select/use owner allotment ('RESCHANNEL' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'IDX', None, 2, lambda f: not f.rfv('ResAllotmentNo') or f.rfv('ResMktGroup') != 'OW'), ('RESCHANNEL' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'MATCHCODE', None, 'TSP', lambda f: not f.rfv('ResAllotmentNo') or f.rfv('ResMktGroup') != 'OW'), ('RESCHANNEL' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'ISPRICEOWNER', None, 1, lambda f: not f.rfv('ResAllotmentNo') or f.rfv('ResMktGroup') != 'OW'), ('/RESCHANNEL', None, None, lambda f: not f.rfv('ResAllotmentNo') or f.rfv('ResMktGroup') not in ('OW', 'FB', 'RE', 'RI')), ('/RESCHANNELLIST', None, None, lambda f: not f.rfv('ResAllotmentNo') or f.rfv('ResMktGroup') not in ('OW', 'FB', 'RE', 'RI')), # ### GENERAL RESERVATION DATA: arrival/departure, pax, market sources, comments ('ARR', 'ResArrival', None, None, lambda f, v: convert_date_from_sh(v), lambda f, v: convert_date_onto_sh(v)), ('DEP', 'ResDeparture', None, None, lambda f, v: convert_date_from_sh(v), lambda f, v: convert_date_onto_sh(v)), ('NOROOMS', None, 1), # mandatory field, also needed for DELETE action # ('NOPAX', None, None, # needed for DELETE action # lambda f: f.rfv('ResAdults') + f.rfv('ResChildren'), lambda f, v: int(v), lambda f, v: str(v)), ('NOPAX', 'ResAdults', None, # NOPAX is sum of adults + children None, # converters: FROM-converter has to use system value because field value could still be unset by field.pull() # .. additional: NOCHILDS can be omitted in Sihot xml response - therefore use '0' as default # lambda f, v: int(v) if v else 2, lambda f, v: int(v) - int(f.srv('ResChildren', system=SDI_SH, direction=FAD_FROM) or '0') if v else 2, # lambda f, v: str(v + f.rfv('ResChildren'))), lambda f, v: str(v)), ('NOCHILDS', 'ResChildren', None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE), lambda f, v: int(v) if v else 0, lambda f, v: str(v)), ('TEC-COMMENT', 'ResLongNote', None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE)), ('COMMENT', 'ResNote', None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE)), # oc SS/RES-SEARCH have MARKETCODE and RES has MARKETCODE-NO element ('MARKETCODE-NO', 'ResMktSegment', None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE)), ('MARKETCODE', 'ResMktSegment'), # ('MEDIA', ), ('SOURCE', 'ResSource', None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE)), ('NN', 'ResMktGroupNN', None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE) or not f.val()), ('CHANNEL', 'ResMktGroup', None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE) or not f.val()), ('EXT-REFERENCE', 'ResFlightArrComment', None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE) or not f.val()), # see also currently unused PICKUP-COMMENT-ARRIVAL element ('ARR-TIME', 'ResFlightETA'), ('PICKUP-TIME-ARRIVAL', 'ResFlightETA', None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE) or not f.val()), ('PICKUP-TYPE-ARRIVAL', None, 1, # 1=car, 2=van lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE) or not f.rfv('ResFlightETA')), # ### PERSON/occupant details # ('PERS-TYPE-LIST/', ), # ('PERS-TYPE/', ), # ('TYPE', None, '1A'), # ('NO', 'ResAdults'), # ('/PERS-TYPE', ), # ('PERS-TYPE/', ), # ('TYPE', None, '2B'), # ('NO', 'ResChildren'), # ('/PERS-TYPE', ), # ('/PERS-TYPE-LIST', ), # Person Records - each rec also used as root rec to upsert occupants as client (so FAT_CAL lambda has to # .. check also if the reservation data is available in PersSurname and TypeOfPerson!!!) ('PERSON/', None, None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE)), ('PERSON' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'GUEST-ID', ('ResPersons', 0, 'PersShId'), None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE) or not f.val()), ('PERSON' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'MATCHCODE', ('ResPersons', 0, 'PersAcuId'), None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE) or not f.val() or f.rfv('ResPersons', f.crx(), 'PersShId')), ('PERSON' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'NAME', ('ResPersons', 0, 'PersSurname'), None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE) or f.rfv('ResPersons', f.crx(), 'PersAcuId') or f.rfv('ResPersons', f.crx(), 'PersShId')), ('PERSON' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'NAME2', ('ResPersons', 0, 'PersForename'), None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE) or not f.val() or f.rfv('ResPersons', f.crx(), 'PersAcuId') or f.rfv('ResPersons', f.crx(), 'PersShId')), ('PERSON' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'AUTO-GENERATED', ('ResPersons', 0, 'AutoGen'), '1', lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE) or f.rfv('ResPersons', f.crx(), 'PersAcuId') or f.rfv('ResPersons', f.crx(), 'PersShId') or f.rfv('ResPersons', f.crx(), 'PersSurname') or f.rfv('ResPersons', f.crx(), 'PersForename')), ('PERSON' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'ROOM-SEQ', ('ResPersons', 0, 'RoomSeq'), None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE)), ('PERSON' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'ROOM-PERS-SEQ', ('ResPersons', 0, 'RoomPersSeq'), None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE)), ('PERSON' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'PERS-TYPE', ('ResPersons', 0, 'TypeOfPerson'), None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE)), ('PERSON' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'RN', ('ResPersons', 0, 'RoomNo'), None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE) or not f.val() or f.rfv('ResDeparture') <, ('PERSON' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'DOB', ('ResPersons', 0, 'PersDOB'), None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE) or not f.val(), lambda f, v: convert_date_from_sh(v), lambda f, v: convert_date_onto_sh(v)), ('PERSON' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'COUNTRY-CODE', ('ResPersons', 0, 'PersCountry'), None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE) or not f.val()), ('PERSON' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'EMAIL', ('ResPersons', 0, 'PersEmail'), None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE) or not f.val()), ('PERSON' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'LANG', ('ResPersons', 0, 'PersLanguage'), None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE) or not f.val()), ('PERSON' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'PHONE', ('ResPersons', 0, 'PersPhone'), None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE) or not f.val()), ('PERSON' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'PERS-RATE' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'R', ('ResPersons', 0, 'Board'), None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE) or not f.val()), ('PERSON' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'PICKUP-COMMENT-ARRIVAL', ('ResPersons', 0, 'FlightArrComment'), None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE) or not f.val()), ('PERSON' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'PICKUP-TIME-ARRIVAL', ('ResPersons', 0, 'FlightETA'), None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE) or not f.val()), ('PERSON' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'PICKUP-COMMENT-DEPARTURE', ('ResPersons', 0, 'FlightDepComment'), None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE) or not f.val()), ('PERSON' + ELEM_PATH_SEP + 'PICKUP-TIME-DEPARTURE', ('ResPersons', 0, 'FlightETD'), None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE) or not f.val()), ('/PERSON', None, None, lambda f: f.ina(ACTION_DELETE)), ('/RESERVATION',), ('/ARESLIST',), ) """ reservation map """ ''' MAP_PARSE_WEB_RES = \ ( # ### EXTRA PARSING FIELDS (to interpret reservation coming from the WEB interface) ('ACTION', 'ResAction'), ('STATUS', 'RU_STATUS'), ('RULREF', 'RUL_CODE'), ('RUL_PRIMARY', 'RUL_PRIMARY'), # ('RU_SIHOT_OBJID', 'RU_SIHOT_OBJID'), ('RU_SIHOT_OBJID', 'RUL_SIHOT_OBJID'), # ('RO_AGENCY_OBJID', 'RO_SIHOT_AGENCY_OBJID'), ('OC_CODE', 'AcuId'), ('OC_OBJID', 'ShId'), ('RES_GROUP', 'ResMktGroup'), # needed for elemHideIf ('RES_OCC', 'ResMktSegment'), # needed for res_id_values ('CHANGES', 'RUL_CHANGES'), # needed for error notifications ('LAST_HOTEL', 'RUL_SIHOT_LAST_HOTEL'), # needed for HOTMOVE ('LAST_CAT', 'RUL_SIHOT_LAST_CAT'), # needed for HOTMOVE # field mappings needed only for parsing XML responses (using 'buildExclude': True) ('RES-HOTEL', ), ('RES-NR', ), ('SUB-NR', ), ('OBJID', ), ('EMAIL', ), ('PHONE', ), # PHONE1, MOBIL1 and EMAIL1 are only available in RES person scope/section but not in RES-SEARCH OC # ('PHONE1', ), # ('MOBIL1', ), ('DEP-TIME', ), ('COUNTRY', ), ('CITY', ), ('STREET', ), ('LANG', ), ('MARKETCODE', ), # RES-SEARCH has no MARKETCODE-NO element/tag ) ''' # default values for used interfaces (see email from Sascha Scheer from 28 Jul 2016 13:48 with answers from JBerger): # .. use kernel for clients and web for reservations USE_KERNEL_FOR_CLIENTS_DEF = True USE_KERNEL_FOR_RES_DEF = False
[docs]def add_sh_options(cae: ConsoleApp, client_port: int = 0, add_kernel_port: bool = False, add_maps_and_kernel_usage: bool = False): """ add config/command line options. :param cae: app instance. :param client_port: client port. :param add_kernel_port: pass True to add also port option for the kernel interface. :param add_maps_and_kernel_usage: pass True to add also options for kernel switch and maps. """ cae.add_opt(SDF_SH_SERVER_ADDRESS, "IP address of the Sihot WEB/KERNEL server", 'localhost', 'i') cae.add_opt(SDF_SH_WEB_PORT, "IP port of the Sihot WEB interface", 14777, 'w') if client_port: # default is 14773 for Acumen and 14774 for the Sihot side (always the next higher port number) cae.add_opt(SDF_SH_CLIENT_PORT, "IP port of SXML interface of this server for Sihot", client_port, 'm') if add_kernel_port: # e.g. for GuestBulkFetcher we need also the kernel interface server port of Sihot cae.add_opt(SDF_SH_KERNEL_PORT, "IP port of the KERNEL interface of the Sihot server", 14772, 'k') cae.add_opt(SDF_SH_TIMEOUT, "Timeout value for TCP/IP connections to Sihot", 1869.6, 't') cae.add_opt(SDF_SH_XML_ENCODING, "Charset used for the Sihot xml data", SXML_DEF_ENCODING, 'e') if add_maps_and_kernel_usage: cae.add_opt(SDF_SH_USE_KERNEL_FOR_CLIENT, "Used interface for clients (0=web, 1=kernel)", USE_KERNEL_FOR_CLIENTS_DEF, 'g', choices=(0, 1)) cae.add_opt(SDF_SH_CLIENT_MAP, "Guest/Client mapping of xml to db items", SH_CLIENT_MAP, 'm') cae.add_opt(SDF_SH_USE_KERNEL_FOR_RES, "Used interface for reservations (0=web, 1=kernel)", USE_KERNEL_FOR_RES_DEF, 'z', choices=(0, 1)) cae.add_opt(SDF_SH_RES_MAP, "Reservation mapping of xml to db items", SH_RES_MAP, 'n')
[docs]def client_data(cae: ConsoleApp, obj_id: str) -> Record: """ fetch the client data record from Sihot for the client specified by its Sihot object id. :param cae: app instance. :param obj_id: Sihot client object id. :return: client record data structure. """ client_fetch = ClientFetch(cae) ret = client_fetch.fetch_client(obj_id) return ret
[docs]def complete_res_data(rec: Record) -> Record: """ complete reservation data row (rec) with default values. :param rec: reservation data Record instance. :return: completed reservation data Record instance. un-changed fields: ResRoomNo, ResNote, ResLongNote, ResFlightArrComment (flight no...), ResAllotmentNo, ResVoucherNo. mandatory fields: ShId or AcuId or Surname (to specify the orderer of the reservation), ResHotelId, ResArrival, ResDeparture, ResRoomCat, ResMktSegment, ResGdsNo, ResAdults, ResChildren. optional fields: ResPersons0PersSurname and ResPersons0PersForename (surname and forename) ResPersons1PersSurname and ResPersons1PersForename ( ... ) optional auto-populated fields: see the default values - specified in default_values dict underneath. """ default_values = dict(ResStatus='1', ResAction=ACTION_INSERT,, # removed for Nitesh SihotResImport: # ResPriceCat=rec.val('ResRoomCat', system='', direction=''), ResBoard='RO', # room only (no board/meal-plan) ResAccount='1', ResSource='A', ResRateSegment=rec.val('ResMktSegment', system='', direction=''), ResMktGroup='RS', ResAdults=2, ResChildren=0, ) for field_name, field_value in default_values.items(): if not rec.val(field_name, system='', direction='') and field_value not in ('', None): rec.set_val(field_value, field_name, system='', direction='') if 'ResSfId' in rec and not rec.val('ResSfId') and rec['ResGdsNo'].startswith('006'): rec.set_val(rec['ResGdsNo'], 'ResSfId', system='', direction='') if rec.val('ResPersons', system='', direction=''): adults = rec.val('ResAdults', system='', direction='') pax = adults + rec.val('ResChildren', system='', direction='') root_idx = ('ResPersons',) # type: Tuple[Union[str, int]] recs = rec.value('ResPersons', flex_sys_dir=True) recs_len = len(recs) if recs_len > pax: for _ in range(recs_len - pax): # remove invalid/surplus occupant recs recs.pop() elif recs_len < pax: for _ in range(pax - recs_len): # add rec, copied from recs[0] and establish init/default field values recs.append_record(root_rec=rec, root_idx=root_idx) for pers_seq, occ_rec in enumerate(recs): rix = root_idx + (pers_seq,) if not occ_rec.val('RoomSeq', system='', direction=''): occ_rec.set_val('0', 'RoomSeq', system='', direction='', root_rec=rec, root_idx=rix) if not occ_rec.val('RoomPersSeq', system='', direction=''): occ_rec.set_val(str(pers_seq), 'RoomPersSeq', system='', direction='', root_rec=rec, root_idx=rix) if not occ_rec.val('TypeOfPerson', system='', direction=''): guest_type = '1A' if pers_seq < adults else '2B' occ_rec.set_val(guest_type, 'TypeOfPerson', system='', direction='', root_rec=rec, root_idx=rix) if not occ_rec.val('PersAcuId', system='', direction='') \ and not occ_rec.val('PersShId', system='', direction='') \ and not occ_rec.val('PersSurname', system='', direction='') \ and not occ_rec.val('PersForename', system='', direction=''): if pers_seq < adults: name = "Adult " + str(pers_seq + 1) else: name = "Child " + str(pers_seq - adults + 1) occ_rec.set_val(name, 'PersSurname', system='', direction='', root_rec=rec, root_idx=rix) auto_gen = '1' else: auto_gen = '0' occ_rec.set_val(auto_gen, 'AutoGen', system='', direction='', root_rec=rec, root_idx=rix) if not occ_rec.val('RoomNo', system='', direction=''): room_no = rec.val('ResRoomNo', system='', direction='') if room_no: occ_rec.set_val(room_no, 'RoomNo', system='', direction='', root_rec=rec, root_idx=rix) return rec
[docs]def elem_path_join(elem_names: List[str]) -> str: """ convert list of element names to element path. :param elem_names: list of element names. :return: element path. """ return ELEM_PATH_SEP.join(elem_names)
[docs]def hotel_and_res_id(shd: Record) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]]: """ determine hotel and reservation ids. """ ho_id = shd.val('ResHotelId') res_nr = shd.val('ResId') sub_nr = shd.val('ResSubId') if not ho_id or not res_nr: return None, None return ho_id, res_nr + (SH_RES_SUB_SEP + sub_nr if sub_nr else '') + '@' + ho_id
[docs]def pax_count(shd: Record) -> int: """ determine the number of PAX of the passed reservation record. """ adults = shd.val('ResAdults') if not adults: adults = 0 else: adults = int(adults) children = shd.val('ResChildren') if not children: children = 0 else: children = int(children) return adults + children
[docs]def date_range_chunks(date_from:, date_till:, fetch_max_days: int ) -> Iterator[Tuple[,]]: """ split date range into manageable chunks respecting the passed maximum days length and yield them back. """ one_day = datetime.timedelta(days=1) add_days = datetime.timedelta(days=fetch_max_days) - one_day chunk_till = date_from - one_day while chunk_till < date_till: chunk_from = chunk_till + one_day chunk_till = min(chunk_from + add_days, date_till) yield chunk_from, chunk_till
[docs]def gds_no_to_ids(cae: ConsoleApp, hotel_id: str, gds_no: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ determine all reservation ids for a reservation with the passed GDS number. """ ids = dict(ResHotelId=hotel_id, ResGdsNo=gds_no) rfr = ResFetch(cae).fetch_by_gds_no(hotel_id, gds_no) if isinstance(rfr, Record): ids['ResObjId'] = rfr.val('ResObjId') or '' ids['ResId'] = rfr.val('ResId') or '' ids['ResSubId'] = rfr.val('ResSubId') or '' ids['ResSfId'] = rfr.val('ResSfId') or '' if not ids.get('ResSfId') and gds_no.startswith('006'): ids['ResSfId'] = gds_no return ids
[docs]def gds_no_to_obj_id(cae: ConsoleApp, hotel_id: str, gds_no: str) -> str: """ determine the Sihot object id of a reservation identified by the GDS number. """ return gds_no_to_ids(cae, hotel_id, gds_no).get('ResObjId', '')
[docs]def res_no_to_ids(cae: ConsoleApp, hotel_id: str, res_id: str, sub_id: str) -> Union[str, Dict[str, Any]]: """ determine all reservation ids for a reservation with the passed reservation number. """ rfr = ResFetch(cae).fetch_by_res_id(hotel_id, res_id, sub_id) if isinstance(rfr, str): cae.vpo(f"res_no_to_ids({hotel_id}, {res_id}, {sub_id}) error: {rfr}") return rfr ret = dict(ResHotelId=hotel_id, ResId=res_id, ResSubId=sub_id) ret['ResObjId'] = rfr.val('ResObjId') or '' ret['ResGdsNo'] = rfr.val('ResGdsNo') or '' ret['ResSfId'] = rfr.val('ResSfId') or '' if not ret['ResSfId'] and ret['ResGdsNo'].startswith('006'): ret['ResSfId'] = ret['ResGdsNo'] return ret
[docs]def res_no_to_obj_id(cae: ConsoleApp, hotel_id: str, res_id: str, sub_id: str) -> str: """ determine the Sihot object id of a reservation identified by their reservation number. """ ret = res_no_to_ids(cae, hotel_id, res_id, sub_id) if isinstance(ret, Record): return ret.get('ResObjId') return ''
[docs]def obj_id_to_res_no(cae: ConsoleApp, obj_id: str) -> tuple: """ using RESERVATION-GET oc from KERNEL interface (see 7.3 in SIHOT KERNEL interface doc). :param cae: Console App Environment instance. :param obj_id: Sihot Reservation Object Id. :return: reservation ids as tuple of (hotel_id, res_id, sub_id, gds_no) or (None, "error") if not found """ if not obj_id: return None, "obj_id_to_res_no() expects non-empty Sihot Reservation Object Id" return ResKernelGet(cae).fetch_res_no(obj_id)
[docs]def _strip_err_msg(error_msg: str) -> str: pos1 = error_msg.find('error:') if pos1 != -1: pos1 += 5 # put to position - 1 (to allow -1 as valid pos if nothing got found) else: pos1 = error_msg.find('::') pos1 += 1 pos2 = error_msg.find('.', pos1) pos3 = error_msg.find('!', pos1) if max(pos2, pos3) - pos1 <= 30: pos2 = len(error_msg) return error_msg[pos1: max(pos2, pos3)]
''' class OldGuestSearchResponse(SihotXmlParser): def __init__(self, cae, ret_elem_names=None, key_elem_name=None): """ response to the GUEST-GET request oc of the KERNEL interface :param cae: app environment instance. :param ret_elem_names: list of xml element names (or response attributes) to return. If there is only one list element with a leading ':' character then self.ret_elem_values will be a dict with the search value as the key. If ret_elem_names consists of exact one item then ret_elem_values will be a list with the plain return values. If ret_elem_names contains more than one item then self.ret_elem_values will be a dict where the ret_elem_names are used as keys. If the ret_elem_names list is empty (or None) then the returned self.ret_elem_values list of dicts will provide all elements that are returned by the Sihot interface and defined within the used map (SH_CLIENT_MAP). :param key_elem_name: element name used for the search (only needed if self._return_value_as_key==True). """ super().__init__(cae) self._base_tags.append('GUEST-NR') self.guest_nr = None full_map = SH_CLIENT_MAP + SH_CLIENT_PARSE_MAP self._key_elem_name = key_elem_name if not ret_elem_names: ret_elem_names = [_[MTI_ELEM_NAME].strip('/') for _ in full_map] self._ret_elem_names = ret_elem_names # list of names of XML-elements or response-base-attributes self._return_value_as_key = len(ret_elem_names) == 1 and ret_elem_names[0][0] == ':' self.ret_elem_values = {} if self._return_value_as_key else [] self._key_elem_index = 0 self._in_guest_profile = False self._elem_fld_map_parser = FldMapXmlParser(cae, deepcopy(full_map)) def parse_xml(self, xml): super().parse_xml(xml) self._key_elem_index = 0 self._in_guest_profile = False def start(self, tag, attrib): if self._in_guest_profile: self._elem_fld_map_parser.start(tag, attrib) if super().start(tag, attrib) is None: return None # processed by base class if tag == 'GUEST-PROFILE': self._key_elem_index += 1 self._in_guest_profile = True return None return tag def data(self, data): if self._in_guest_profile: if super().data(data) is None: return None # processed by base class return data def end(self, tag): if tag == 'GUEST-PROFILE': self._in_guest_profile = False if self._return_value_as_key: elem = getattr(self, elem_to_attr(self._key_elem_name)) if self._key_elem_index > 1: elem += '_' + str(self._key_elem_index) self.ret_elem_values[elem] = getattr(self, elem_to_attr(self._ret_elem_names[0][1:])) else: elem_names = self._ret_elem_names if len(elem_names) == 1: self.ret_elem_values.append(getattr(self, elem_to_attr(elem_names[0]))) else: values = {} for elem in elem_names: if elem in self._elem_fld_map_parser.elem_fld_map: field = self._elem_fld_map_parser.elem_fld_map[elem] values[elem] = getattr(self, elem_to_attr(elem), field.val(system=SDI_SH, direction=FAD_FROM)) self.ret_elem_values.append(values) # for completeness call also SihotXmlParser.end() and FldMapXmlParser.end() return super().end(self._elem_fld_map_parser.end(tag)) '''
[docs]class FldMapXmlParser(SihotXmlParser): """ extended xml parser converting data directly into a sys data Record structure. """
[docs] def __init__(self, cae: ConsoleApp, elem_map): super(FldMapXmlParser, self).__init__(cae) self._elem_map = elem_map self._collected_fields: List[_Field] = [] self._current_data = '' self.elem_fld_map = None self._rec = Record() # added for mypy - will be directly overwritten in self.clear_rec() self.clear_rec()
[docs] def clear_rec(self): """ clear the record data. """ # clear_leaves does clear also the copied rec from the last reservation, therefore simply recreate new template # self._rec.clear_leaves(system=self._rec.system, direction=self._rec.direction) # create field data parsing record and mapping dict for all elements having a field value self._rec = Record(system=SDI_SH, direction=FAD_FROM).add_system_fields(self._elem_map) self.elem_fld_map = self._rec.sys_name_field_map return self
@property def rec(self) -> Record: """ return the record data. """ return self._rec # XMLParser interface
[docs] def start(self, tag: str, attrib: Dict[str, str]) -> Optional[str]: """ process start of new xml element. """ super(FldMapXmlParser, self).start(tag, attrib) self._collected_fields = self._rec.collect_system_fields(self._elem_path, ELEM_PATH_SEP) if self._collected_fields: self._current_data = '' return None return tag
[docs] def data(self, data: str) -> Optional[str]: """ process data of xml element. """ super(FldMapXmlParser, self).data(data) if self._collected_fields: self._current_data += data return None return data
[docs] def end(self, tag: str) -> Optional[str]: """ process end of xml element. """ msg = "FldMapXmlParser.end({}) ".format(tag) for col_field in self._collected_fields: idx_path = col_field.root_idx(system=SDI_SH, direction=FAD_FROM) if idx_path: curr_idx = compose_current_index(self._rec, idx_path, Value((1, ))) val = self._current_data # fix Sihot bug sending sometimes a value of 1 (greater 0) within ROOM-SEQ|ResPersons.<N>.RoomSeq if len(curr_idx) == 3 and curr_idx[2] == 'PERSON.ROOM-SEQ' and val != '0': self.cae.dpo(msg + "auto-correction of {} RoomSeq value {!r} to '0'".format(curr_idx, val)) val = '0' self.cae.dpo(msg + "setting field {} to {!r}".format(curr_idx, val)) self._rec.set_val(val, *curr_idx, system=SDI_SH, direction=FAD_FROM) self._collected_fields = [] for elem_name, *_ in self._elem_map: if elem_name == '/' + tag: self._rec.set_current_system_index(tag, ELEM_PATH_SEP) return super(FldMapXmlParser, self).end(tag)
[docs]class ClientFromSihot(FldMapXmlParser): """ extended xml parser converting client data directly into a sys data Record structure. """
[docs] def __init__(self, cae: ConsoleApp, elem_map=SH_CLIENT_MAP): super(ClientFromSihot, self).__init__(cae, elem_map) self.client_list = Records()
# XMLParser interface
[docs] def end(self, tag: str) -> Optional[str]: """ process end of xml element. """ if tag == 'GUEST-PROFILE': rec = self._rec.copy(deepness=-1) rec.pull(SDI_SH) self.client_list.append(rec) self.clear_rec() return super(ClientFromSihot, self).end(tag)
[docs]class ResFromSihot(FldMapXmlParser): """ extended xml parser converting reservation data directly into a sys data Record structure. """
[docs] def __init__(self, cae: ConsoleApp): super(ResFromSihot, self).__init__(cae, SH_RES_MAP) self.res_list = Records()
# XMLParser interface
[docs] def end(self, tag: str) -> Optional[str]: """ process end of xml element. """ if tag == 'RESERVATION': rec = complete_res_data(self._rec.copy(deepness=-1)) rec.pull(SDI_SH) self.res_list.append(rec) self.clear_rec() return super(ResFromSihot, self).end(tag)
''' class GuestSearchResponse(FldMapXmlParser): def __init__(self, cae, ret_elem_names=None, key_elem_name=None): """ response to the GUEST-GET request oc of the KERNEL interface :param cae: app environment instance. :param ret_elem_names: list of xml element names (or response attributes) to return. If there is only one list element with a leading ':' character then self.ret_elem_values will be a dict with the search value as the key. If ret_elem_names consists of exact one item then ret_elem_values will be a list with the plain return values. If ret_elem_names contains more than one item then self.ret_elem_values will be a dict where the ret_elem_names are used as keys. If the ret_elem_names list is empty (or None) then the returned self.ret_elem_values list of dicts will provide all elements that are returned by the Sihot interface and defined within the used map (SH_CLIENT_MAP). :param key_elem_name: element name used for the search (only needed if self._return_value_as_key==True). """ full_map = SH_CLIENT_MAP + SH_CLIENT_PARSE_MAP super().__init__(cae, full_map) self._base_tags.append('GUEST-NR') self.guest_nr = None if not ret_elem_names: ret_elem_names = [_[MTI_ELEM_NAME].strip('/') for _ in full_map] self._ret_elem_names = ret_elem_names # list of names of XML-elements or response-base-attributes self._return_value_as_key = len(ret_elem_names) == 1 and ret_elem_names[0][0] == ':' self._key_elem_name = key_elem_name self.ret_elem_values = {} if self._return_value_as_key else [] self._key_elem_index = 0 def parse_xml(self, xml): super().parse_xml(xml) self._key_elem_index = 0 def start(self, tag, attrib): if super().start(tag, attrib) is None: return None # processed by base class if tag == 'GUEST-PROFILE': self._key_elem_index += 1 return None return tag def data(self, data): if super().data(data) is None: return None # processed by base class return data def end(self, tag): if tag == 'GUEST-PROFILE': if self._return_value_as_key: elem = getattr(self, elem_to_attr(self._key_elem_name)) if self._key_elem_index > 1: elem += '_' + str(self._key_elem_index) self.ret_elem_values[elem] = getattr(self, elem_to_attr(self._ret_elem_names[0][1:])) else: elem_names = self._ret_elem_names if len(elem_names) == 1: self.ret_elem_values.append(getattr(self, elem_to_attr(elem_names[0]))) else: values = {} for elem in elem_names: if elem in self.elem_fld_map: field = self.elem_fld_map[elem] values[elem] = getattr(self, elem_to_attr(elem), field.val(system=SDI_SH, direction=FAD_FROM)) self.ret_elem_values.append(values) return super().end(tag) '''
[docs]class ClientFetch(SihotXmlBuilder): """ build xml and send to the Sihot system to fetch a client record. """
[docs] def __init__(self, cae: ConsoleApp): super().__init__(cae, use_kernel=True)
[docs] def fetch_client(self, obj_id: str, field_names: Sequence = ()) -> Union[str, Record]: """ return Record with guest data OR str with error message in case of error. """ self.beg_xml(operation_code='GUEST-GET') self.add_tag('GUEST-PROFILE', self.new_tag('OBJID', obj_id)) self.end_xml() rec = None err_msg = self.send_to_server(response_parser=ClientFromSihot(self.cae)) if err_msg or not self.response: return "fetch_client({}) error='{}'".format(obj_id, err_msg or "response is empty") assert isinstance(self.response, ClientFromSihot) if self.response.client_list: recs = self.response.client_list if len(recs) > 1: self.cae.dpo("fetch_client({}): multiple clients found: {}".format(obj_id, recs)) rec = recs[0].copy(deepness=2, filter_fields=lambda f: not in field_names if field_names else None) return err_msg or rec
[docs]class ClientSearch(SihotXmlBuilder): """ search client. """
[docs] def __init__(self, cae): super().__init__(cae, use_kernel=True)
[docs] def search_clients(self, matchcode: str = '', exact_matchcode: bool = True, name: str = '', forename: str = '', surname: str = '', guest_no: str = '', email: str = '', guest_type: str = '', flags: str = 'FIND-ALSO-DELETED-GUESTS', order_by: str = '', limit: int = 0, field_names: tuple = ('ShId', ), **kwargs ) -> Union[str, list, Records]: """ invoke the client search. """ if kwargs: return "ClientSearch.search_clients() does not support the argument(s)=\n{}".format(ppf(kwargs)) self.beg_xml(operation_code='GUEST-SEARCH') search_for = "" if matchcode: search_for += self.new_tag('MATCHCODE', matchcode) if exact_matchcode: flags += ';' + 'MATCH-EXACT-MATCHCODE' if name: forename, surname = name.split(FORE_SURNAME_SEP, maxsplit=1) if forename: search_for += self.new_tag('NAME-2', forename) if surname: search_for += self.new_tag('NAME-1', surname) if guest_no: # agencies: 'OTS'=='31', 'SF'=='62', 'TCAG'=='12', 'TCRENT'=='19' search_for += self.new_tag('GUEST-NR', guest_no) if email: search_for += self.new_tag('EMAIL-1', email) if guest_type: search_for += self.new_tag('T-GUEST', guest_type) if flags: search_for += self.new_tag('FLAGS', flags) if order_by: # e.g. 'GUEST-NR' search_for += self.new_tag('SORT', order_by) if limit: search_for += self.new_tag('MAX-ELEMENTS', limit) self.add_tag('GUEST-SEARCH-REQUEST', search_for) self.end_xml() err_msg = self.send_to_server(response_parser=ClientFromSihot(self.cae)) if err_msg or not self.response: return "search_clients() error='{}';\nxml=\n{}\n".format(err_msg or "response not instantiated", self._xml) assert isinstance(self.response, ClientFromSihot) records = self.response.client_list if field_names: if len(field_names) == 1: records = [rec.val(field_names[0]) for rec in records] else: records = records.copy(deepness=2, filter_fields=lambda f: not in field_names) return records
''' def search_clients_old(self, search_for, ret_elem_names, key_elem_name=None): """ return dict with search element/attribute value as the dict key if len(ret_elem_names)==1 and if ret_elem_names[0][0]==':' (in this case key_elem_name has to provide the search element/attribute name) OR return list of values if len(ret_elem_names) == 1 OR return list of dict with ret_elem_names keys if len(ret_elem_names) >= 2 OR return None in case of error. """ msg = "ClientSearch.search_clients({}, {}, {})".format(search_for, ret_elem_names, key_elem_name) self.beg_xml(operation_code='GUEST-SEARCH') self.add_tag('GUEST-SEARCH-REQUEST', ''.join([self.new_tag(e, v) for e, v in search_for.items()])) self.end_xml() # rp = GuestSearchResponse(self.cae, ret_elem_names, key_elem_name=key_elem_name) rp = ClientFromSihot(self.cae) err_msg = self.send_to_server(response_parser=rp) if not err_msg and self.response: ret = self.response.ret_elem_values self.cae.dpo(msg + " xml='{}'; result={}".format(self.xml, ret)) else: po(msg + " error: {}".format(err_msg)) ret = None return ret '''
[docs] def client_id_by_matchcode(self, matchcode: str) -> Optional[str]: """ determine client id for a client identified by its match code. """ ids_or_err = self.search_clients(matchcode=matchcode) if isinstance(ids_or_err, str): return ids_or_err cnt = len(ids_or_err) if cnt > 1: self.cae.dpo("client_id_by_matchcode({}): multiple clients found".format(matchcode)) if cnt: return ids_or_err[0] return None
[docs]class ResFetch(SihotXmlBuilder): """ fetch reservation. """
[docs] def fetch_res(self, ho_id: str, gds_no: str = '', res_id: str = '', sub_id: str = '', scope: str = 'USEISODATE' ) -> Union[str, Record]: """ invoke request and fetch of reservation data. """ self.beg_xml(operation_code='SS') self.add_tag('ID', ho_id) if gds_no: self.add_tag('GDSNO', gds_no) else: self.add_tag('RES-NR', res_id) self.add_tag('SUB-NR', sub_id) if scope: # e.g. BASICDATAONLY only sends RESERVATION xml block (see 14.3.4 in WEB interface doc) self.add_tag('SCOPE', scope) self.end_xml() err_msg = self.send_to_server(response_parser=ResFromSihot(self.cae)) # WEB interface return codes (RC): 29==res not found, 1==internal error - see 14.3.5 in WEB interface doc if err_msg or not self.response: return "fetch_res({}) error='{}'".format(self._xml, err_msg or "response is empty") assert isinstance(self.response, ResFromSihot) if len(self.response.res_list) > 1: self.cae.dpo("fetch_res({}): multiple reservations found".format(self._xml)) return err_msg or self.response.res_list[0]
[docs] def fetch_by_gds_no(self, ho_id: str, gds_no: str, scope: str = 'USEISODATE') -> Union[str, Record]: """ fetch reservation identified by their GDS number. """ return self.fetch_res(ho_id, gds_no=gds_no, scope=scope)
[docs] def fetch_by_res_id(self, ho_id: str, res_id: str, sub_id: str, scope: str = 'USEISODATE') -> Union[str, Record]: """ fetch reservation identified by their reservation number and sub-number. """ return self.fetch_res(ho_id, res_id=res_id, sub_id=sub_id, scope=scope)
[docs]class ResSearch(SihotXmlBuilder): """ search reservation. """
[docs] def search_res(self, hotel_id: str = '', from_date: =, to_date: =, matchcode: str = '', name: str = '', gds_no: str = '', flags: str = '', scope: str = '', guest_id: str = '') -> Union[str, Records]: """ invoke search of reservation. """ self.beg_xml(operation_code='RES-SEARCH') if hotel_id: self.add_tag('ID', hotel_id) elif 'ALL-HOTELS' not in flags: flags += (';' if flags else '') + 'ALL-HOTELS' self.add_tag('FROM',, DATE_ISO)) # mandatory? self.add_tag('TO',, DATE_ISO)) if matchcode: self.add_tag('MATCHCODE', matchcode) if name: self.add_tag('NAME', name) if gds_no: self.add_tag('GDSNO', gds_no) if flags: self.add_tag('FLAGS', flags if flags[0] != ';' else flags[1:]) if scope: self.add_tag('SCOPE', scope) # e.g. EXPORTEXTENDEDCOMMENT;FORCECALCDAYPRICE;CALCSUMDAYPRICE if guest_id: # ask Gubse to implement/fix guest_id search/filter option on RES-SEARCH operation of Sihot WEB interface. self.add_tag('CENTRAL-GUEST-ID', guest_id) # this is not filtering nothing (tried GID) self.end_xml() # 20.5 Return Codes (RC): # 0 == The search was successful. If no reservation with the given search criteria was found, # the <MSG> element returns the respective information. # 1 == The data inside the element <RT> is not a valid reservation type. # 2 == There is no guest with this central guest ID available. # 3 == There is no guest with this matchcode available. # 4 == The given search data is not valid # 5 == An (internal) error occurred when searching for reservations. err_msg = self.send_to_server(response_parser=ResFromSihot(self.cae)) if err_msg or not self.response: return "search_res() error='{}';\nxml=\n{}".format(err_msg or "response is empty", self._xml) assert isinstance(self.response, ResFromSihot) return self.response.res_list
[docs]class FldMapXmlBuilder(SihotXmlBuilder): """ extended xml builder base class. """
[docs] def __init__(self, cae: ConsoleApp, use_kernel: bool = False, elem_map=None): super().__init__(cae, use_kernel=use_kernel) self.elem_map = deepcopy(elem_map or cae.get_opt(SDF_SH_RES_MAP)) self.action = '' self._warning_frags = self.cae.get_var('warningFragments') or [] # list of warning text fragments self._warning_msgs: List[str] = []
[docs] def get_warnings(self) -> str: """ get warning messages as concatenated string. """ return "\n\n".join(self._warning_msgs) + "\n\nEnd_Of_Message\n" if self._warning_msgs else ""
[docs] def wipe_warnings(self): """ wipe all collected warning messages. """ self._warning_msgs = []
[docs] def prepare_rec(self, rec: Record): """ prepare record to push to Sihot. """ ori_rec = rec.copy(deepness=-1) if rec.system != SDI_SH or rec.direction != FAD_ONTO: rec.set_env(system=SDI_SH, direction=FAD_ONTO) rec.add_system_fields(self.elem_map) rec.clear_leaves(reset_lists=False) # reestablish default values - leave ResPersons occupants list untouched rec.merge_leaves(ori_rec) # , extend=False)
[docs] def prepare_map_xml(self, rec: Record, include_empty_values: bool = True) -> str: """ prepare and return xml string. """ self.prepare_rec(rec) rec.push(SDI_SH) # TODO: maybe REMOVE the other/1st push (2nd push could increment ResAdults value) rec.action = self.action or ACTION_BUILD recs = None inner_xml = '' map_i = group_i = -1 indent = 0 while True: map_i += 1 if map_i >= len(self.elem_map): break elem_map_item = self.elem_map[map_i] tag = elem_map_item[MTI_ELEM_NAME] if ELEM_PATH_SEP in tag: tag = tag[tag.rfind(ELEM_PATH_SEP) + 1:] idx = elem_map_item[MTI_FLD_NAME] if len(elem_map_item) > MTI_FLD_NAME else None if idx: fld = rec.node_child(idx, use_curr_idx=Value((1, ))) if fld is None: fld = rec.node_child(idx) # use template field if fld is None: continue # skip xml creation for missing field (in current and template rec) field = fld idx_path = idx if isinstance(idx, (tuple, list)) else (field_name_idx_path(idx) or (idx, )) val = rec.val(*idx_path, system=SDI_SH, direction=FAD_ONTO, use_curr_idx=Value((1, ))) filter_fields = field.filterer(system=SDI_SH, direction=FAD_ONTO) # finally not needed if clear_leaves() are called with reset_lists=False # if not filter_fields and len(idx_path) >= 3 and isinstance(idx_path[1], int) and idx_path[1] > 0: # fld = rec.node_child(idx) # use template field's filter if not in sub-records 2..n # filter_fields = fld.filter(system=SDI_SH, direction=FAD_ONTO) else: # field recycling has buggy side effects because last map item can refer to different/changed record: # if field is None: # try to use field of last map item (especially to get crx()) field = next(iter(rec.values())) val = elem_map_item[MTI_FLD_VAL] if len(elem_map_item) > MTI_FLD_VAL else '' if callable(val): val = val(field) filter_fields = elem_map_item[MTI_FLD_FILTER] if len(elem_map_item) > MTI_FLD_FILTER else None if filter_fields: assert callable(filter_fields), "filter aspect {} has to be a callable".format(filter_fields) if filter_fields(field): continue if tag.endswith('/'): # opening tag if not inner_xml.endswith("\n"): inner_xml += "\n" inner_xml += " " * indent + self.new_tag(tag[:-1], closing=False) indent += 1 if recs is None and map_i + 1 < len(self.elem_map): nel = self.elem_map[map_i + 1] if len(nel) > MTI_FLD_NAME and isinstance(nel[MTI_FLD_NAME], (tuple, list)): root_field = rec.node_child((nel[MTI_FLD_NAME][0], )) if root_field: recs = root_field.value() if isinstance(recs, LIST_TYPES): set_current_index(recs, idx=recs.idx_min) group_i = map_i - 1 else: recs = None # set to None also if recs is empty/False elif tag.startswith('/'): # closing tag if inner_xml.endswith("\n"): inner_xml += " " * indent inner_xml += self.new_tag(tag[1:], opening=False) + "\n" indent -= 1 if recs: if get_current_index(recs) >= len(recs) - 1: recs = None else: set_current_index(recs, add=1) map_i = group_i # jump back to begin of xml group elif include_empty_values or val not in ('', None): inner_xml += self.new_tag(tag, self.convert_value_to_xml_string(val)) return inner_xml
[docs]class ClientToSihot(FldMapXmlBuilder): """ extended xml builder class to send/push client data to Sihot. """
[docs] def __init__(self, cae): super().__init__(cae, use_kernel=cae.get_opt(SDF_SH_USE_KERNEL_FOR_CLIENT), elem_map=cae.get_opt(SDF_SH_CLIENT_MAP) or SH_CLIENT_MAP)
[docs] @staticmethod def _complete_client_data(rec: Record): if not rec.val('GuestType', system='', direction=''): rec.set_val('1', 'GuestType', system='', direction='')
[docs] def prepare_rec(self, rec: Record): """ prepare client record for the push to Sihot. """ super().prepare_rec(rec) self._complete_client_data(rec)
[docs] def _prepare_guest_xml(self, rec: Record, fld_name_suffix: str = ''): """ prepare extra guest data. """ # if not self.action: self.action = ACTION_UPDATE if rec.val('ShId' + fld_name_suffix) else ACTION_INSERT self.beg_xml(operation_code='GUEST-CHANGE' if self.action == ACTION_UPDATE else 'GUEST-CREATE') self.add_tag('GUEST-PROFILE', self.prepare_map_xml(rec)) self.end_xml() self.cae.vpo("ClientToSihot._prepare_guest_xml() action={} rec={}".format(self.action, rec))
[docs] def _send_person_to_sihot(self, rec: Record, first_person: str = "") -> str: """ send client data of one person to Sihot, passing AcuId of first person to send 2nd person. """ self._prepare_guest_xml(rec, fld_name_suffix='_P' if first_person else '') err_msg = self.send_to_server() if 'guest exists already' in err_msg and self.action == ACTION_INSERT: self.action = ACTION_UPDATE self._prepare_guest_xml(rec, fld_name_suffix='_P' if first_person else '') err_msg = self.send_to_server() if not err_msg and self.response and self.response.objid and not rec.val('ShId'): rec.set_val(self.response.objid, 'ShId') return err_msg
[docs] def send_client_to_sihot(self, rec: Record) -> str: """ send client data to Sihot. """ msg = "ClientToSihot.send_client_to_sihot({}): action={}".format(rec, self.action) err_msg = self._send_person_to_sihot(rec) if err_msg: self.cae.dpo(msg + "; err='{}'".format(err_msg)) else: self.cae.vpo(msg + "; client={} RESPONDED OBJID={} MATCHCODE={}" .format(rec.val('AcuId'), self.response.objid, self.response.matchcode)) return err_msg
[docs]class ResToSihot(FldMapXmlBuilder): """ extended xml builder to send reservation data to Sihot. """
[docs] def __init__(self, cae: ConsoleApp): super().__init__(cae, use_kernel=cae.get_opt(SDF_SH_USE_KERNEL_FOR_RES), elem_map=cae.get_var(SDF_SH_RES_MAP) or SH_RES_MAP) self._gds_errors: Dict[str, Tuple[Record, str]] = {} self._in_error_handling = False
[docs] def _add_sihot_configs(self, rec: Record): mkt_seg = rec.val('ResMktSegment', system='', direction='') hotel_id = rec.val('ResHotelId', system='', direction='') arr_date = rec.val('ResArrival', system='', direction='') # system/direction needed to get date type today = get_var = self.cae.get_var extra_comments = [] if self.action != ACTION_DELETE and rec.val('ResStatus', system='', direction='') != 'S': val = get_var(mkt_seg + '_' + hotel_id, section='SihotResTypes', default_value=get_var(mkt_seg, section='SihotResTypes')) if val: if arr_date and arr_date.toordinal() > today.toordinal(): rec.set_val(val, 'ResStatus', system='', direction='') else: extra_comments.append("RT={}".format(val)) val = get_var(mkt_seg + '_' + hotel_id, section='SihotAllotments', default_value=get_var(mkt_seg, section='SihotAllotments')) if val: if arr_date and arr_date.toordinal() > today.toordinal(): rec.set_val(val, 'ResAllotmentNo', system='', direction='') else: # Sihot doesn't accept allotment for reservations in the past extra_comments.append("AllotNo={}".format(val)) # not specified? FYI: this field is not included in V_ACU_RES_DATA, default==RUL_SIHOT_RATE/SIHOT_MKT_SEG rate_seg = rec.val('ResRateSegment', system='', direction='') or mkt_seg val = get_var(rate_seg, section='SihotRateSegments', default_value=rate_seg) if val != rate_seg or not rate_seg: rec.set_val(val, 'ResRateSegment', system='', direction='') val = get_var(mkt_seg, section='SihotPaymentInstructions') if val: rec.set_val(val, 'ResAccount', system='', direction='') for comment in extra_comments: res_cmt = rec.val('ResComment', system='', direction='') if res_cmt and comment not in res_cmt: rec.set_val(comment + "; " + res_cmt, 'ResComment', system='', direction='')
[docs] def prepare_rec(self, rec: Record): """ prepare reservation data to be sent/pushed to Sihot system. """ super().prepare_rec(rec) self._add_sihot_configs(rec) complete_res_data(rec)
[docs] def _prepare_res_xml(self, rec: Record): self.action = rec.val('ResAction') or ACTION_INSERT inner_xml = self.prepare_map_xml(rec) if self.use_kernel_interface: if self.action == ACTION_INSERT: self.beg_xml(operation_code='RESERVATION-CREATE') else: self.beg_xml(operation_code='RESERVATION-DATA-CHANGE') self.add_tag('RESERVATION-PROFILE', inner_xml) else: self.beg_xml(operation_code='RES', add_inner_xml=inner_xml) self.end_xml() self.cae.vpo("ResToSihot._prepare_res_xml(): action={}; rec=\n{}".format(self.action, ppf(rec)))
[docs] def _sending_res_to_sihot(self, rec: Record) -> str: self._prepare_res_xml(rec) err_msg = self.send_to_server(response_parser=ResResponse(self.cae)) if err_msg: err_msg = self._handle_error(rec, err_msg) if not err_msg: assert isinstance(self.response, ResResponse) obj_id = rec.val('ResObjId') if not obj_id: rec.set_val(self.response.objid, 'ResObjId') elif obj_id != self.response.objid and self.response.objid: self._warning_msgs.append("ResObjId mismatch: {!r} != {!r}".format(obj_id, self.response.objid)) res_id = rec.val('ResId') if not res_id: rec.set_val(self.response.res_nr, 'ResId') elif res_id != self.response.res_nr and self.response.res_nr: self._warning_msgs.append("ResId mismatch: {!r} != {!r}".format(res_id, self.response.res_nr)) sub_id = rec.val('ResSubId') if not sub_id: rec.set_val(self.response.sub_nr, 'ResSubId') elif sub_id != self.response.sub_nr and self.response.sub_nr: self._warning_msgs.append("ResSubId mismatch: {!r} != {!r}".format(sub_id, self.response.sub_nr)) return err_msg
# noinspection StrFormat
[docs] def _handle_error(self, rec: Record, err_msg: str) -> str: msg = "## ResToSihot._handle_error(): {}; data=" if self.debug_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL_ENABLED else "{}" msg += "\n{}".format(self.res_id_desc(rec, err_msg, separator="\n")) obj_id = rec.val('ResObjId') if [frag for frag in self._warning_frags if frag in err_msg]: self._warning_msgs.append(msg.format("reinterpreting Sihot interface error as warning")) err_msg = "" elif self._in_error_handling: self._warning_msgs.append(msg.format("skipping and ignoring this follow-up error")) err_msg = "" elif "Could not find a key identifier" in err_msg and (rec.val('ShId') or rec.val('ShId_P')): self.cae.dpo(msg.format(f"ignoring client obj-id {rec.val('ShId')}/{rec.val('ShId_P')}")) rec.set_val('ShId', '') # use AcId/MATCHCODE instead rec.set_val('ShId_P', '') err_msg = self._sending_res_to_sihot(rec) elif ("A database error has occurred." in err_msg or 'Room not available!' in err_msg) and obj_id: self.cae.dpo(msg.format(f"resetting reservation with obj-id={obj_id}")) try: self._in_error_handling = True # prevent recursion in handling follow-up errors del_rec = rec.copy(deepness=-1) del_rec.set_env(system=SDI_SH, direction=FAD_ONTO) del_rec.set_val(ACTION_DELETE, 'ResAction') err_msg = self._sending_res_to_sihot(del_rec) except Exception as ex: err_msg = msg.format(f"Exception {ex} occurred in deletion of orphan res") finally: self._in_error_handling = False self.cae.dpo(" .. orphan res deletion; obj-id={}; ignorable err?={}".format(obj_id, err_msg)) rec['ResObjId'] = '' # resend with wiped orphan/invalid obj_id, using ResHotelId+ResGdsNo instead err_msg = self._sending_res_to_sihot(rec) if err_msg: gds_no = rec.val('ResGdsNo') if gds_no in self._gds_errors: rec, last_msg = self._gds_errors[gds_no] err_msg = last_msg + "\n" + err_msg self._gds_errors[gds_no] = (rec, err_msg) return err_msg
[docs] def _ensure_clients_exist_and_updated(self, rec: Record, ensure_client_mode: int) -> str: if ensure_client_mode == ECM_DO_NOT_SEND_CLIENT: return "" err_msg = "" # check occupants that are already registered (having a client reference) sent_clients = [] if rec.val('ResPersons'): for occ_rec in rec.value('ResPersons', flex_sys_dir=True): if occ_rec.val('PersAcuId'): client = ClientToSihot(self.cae) crc = occ_rec.copy(deepness=-1, filter_fields=lambda f: not'Pers'), fields_patches={ALL_FIELDS: {FAT_IDX + CALLABLE_SUFFIX: lambda f:[4:]}}) crc.set_env(system=SDI_SH, direction=FAD_ONTO) err_msg = client.send_client_to_sihot(crc) if err_msg: break sent_clients.append(crc.val('AcuId')) if crc.val('ShId') and not rec.val('ShId') and crc.val('AcuId') == rec.val('AcuId'): rec.set_val(crc.val('ShId'), 'ShId') # pass new Guest Object Id to orderer # check also Orderer but exclude OTAs like TCAG/TCRENT with a MATCHCODE that is no normal Acumen-CDREF if not err_msg and rec.val('AcuId') and len(rec.val('AcuId')) == 7 and rec.val('AcuId') not in sent_clients: client = ClientToSihot(self.cae) err_msg = client.send_client_to_sihot(rec) return "" if ensure_client_mode == ECM_TRY_AND_IGNORE_ERRORS else err_msg
[docs] def send_res_to_sihot(self, rec: Record, ensure_client_mode: int = ECM_ENSURE_WITH_ERRORS) -> str: """ send reservation to Sihot system. """ req_fields: Tuple[Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]], ...] = ( 'ResHotelId', ('ResGdsNo', 'ResId', 'ResObjId'), 'ResMktSegment', 'ResRoomCat', 'ResArrival', 'ResDeparture') action = rec.val('ResAction') if action != ACTION_DELETE: # for reservations deleted within Acumen there will be no ShId/AcuId/Surname req_fields += (('ShId', 'AcuId', 'Surname'), ) missing = rec.missing_fields(req_fields) if missing: return "ResToSihot.send_res_to_sihot() expects non-empty value in fields {}; rec=\n{}".format(missing, rec) err_msg = "" gds_no = rec.val('ResGdsNo') if gds_no: if gds_no in self._gds_errors: # prevent send of follow-up changes on erroneous bookings (w/ same GDS) old_id = self.res_id_desc(*self._gds_errors[gds_no], separator="\n") self._warning_msgs.append("Sync skipped because GDS number {} had errors in previous send: {}" "\nres: {}".format(gds_no, old_id, self.res_id_desc(rec, "", separator="\n"))) return self._gds_errors[gds_no][1] # return same error message if action != ACTION_DELETE: err_msg = self._ensure_clients_exist_and_updated(rec, ensure_client_mode) if not err_msg: err_msg = self._sending_res_to_sihot(rec) else: err_msg = self.res_id_desc(rec, "ResToSihot.send_res_to_sihot(): sync with empty GDS number skipped") warn_msg = self.get_warnings() if err_msg: self.cae.po("ResToSihot.send_res_to_sihot() error={}; warnings={}".format(err_msg, warn_msg)) else: self.cae.dpo("ResToSihot.send_res_to_sihot() GDSNO={} RESPONDED OBJID={} MATCHCODE={} warnings={}" .format(gds_no, self.response.objid, self.response.matchcode, warn_msg)) return err_msg
[docs] @staticmethod def res_id_label() -> str: """ reservation ids log and debug message label. """ return "ResId+GDS+VOUCHER+CD+RO+Room"
[docs] @staticmethod def res_id_values(rec: Record) -> str: """ reservation ids log and debug message data. """ sh_res_id = str(rec.val('ResId')) or '' if sh_res_id: sh_sub_id = str(rec.val('ResSubId')) if sh_sub_id != '1': sh_res_id += "/" + sh_sub_id sh_res_id += "@" ret = sh_res_id + str(rec.val('ResHotelId')) + \ "+" + str(rec.val('ResGdsNo')) + \ "+" + str(rec.val('ResVoucherNo')) + \ "+" + str(rec.val('AcuId')) + \ "+" + str(rec.val('ResMktSegment')) + \ "+" + str(rec.val('ResRoomNo')) return ret
[docs] def res_id_desc(self, rec: Record, err_msg: str, separator: str = "\n\n", indent: int = 8) -> str: """ extended reservation ids log and debug message data. """ arr = rec.val('ResArrival', system='', direction='') dep = rec.val('ResDeparture', system='', direction='') ret = self.action + " RESERVATION: " \ + (arr.strftime('%d-%m') if arr else "unknown") + ".." \ + (dep.strftime('%d-%m-%y') if dep else "unknown") \ + " in " + (rec.val('ResRoomNo') + "=" if rec.val('ResRoomNo') else "") + rec.val('ResRoomCat') \ + ("!" + rec.val('ResPriceCat') if rec.val('ResPriceCat') and rec.val('ResPriceCat') != rec.val('ResRoomCat') else "") \ + " at hotel " + rec.val('ResHotelId') \ + separator + " " * indent + self.res_id_label() + "==" + self.res_id_values(rec) if err_msg: ret += separator + "\n".join(wrap("ERROR: " + _strip_err_msg(err_msg), subsequent_indent=" " * indent)) return ret
[docs] def wipe_gds_errors(self): """ wipe collected gds errors. """ self._gds_errors = {}
[docs]class BulkFetcherBase: """ helper base class for bulk data fetches. """
[docs] def __init__(self, cae, add_kernel_port=True): self.cae = cae self.add_kernel_port = add_kernel_port self.debug_level = None self.startup_date = self.all_recs = None
[docs] def add_options(self): """ add command line option. """ add_sh_options(self.cae, add_kernel_port=self.add_kernel_port)
[docs] def load_options(self): """ load command line option. """ self.debug_level = self.cae.get_opt('debug_level')
[docs] def print_options(self): """ print command line option to console output. """ print_sh_options(self.cae)
[docs]class GuestBulkFetcher(BulkFetcherBase): """ WIP/NotUsed/NoTests: the problem is with GUEST-SEARCH is that there is no way to bulk fetch all guests because the search criteria is not providing range search to split in slices. Fetching all 600k clients is resulting in a timeout error after 30 minutes (see Sihot interface SDF_SH_TIMEOUT/'shTimeout' option value) """
[docs] def fetch_all(self) -> Records: """ fetch and return all found records. """ cae = self.cae self.all_recs = Records() try: # MATCH-SM (holding the Salesforce/SF client ID) is not available in Kernel GUEST-SEARCH (only GUEST-GET) self.all_recs = ClientSearch(cae).search_clients(order_by='GUEST-NR', limit=600000) except Exception as ex: cae.po(" *** Sihot interface guest bulk fetch exception: {}".format(ex)) print_exc() cae.shutdown(2130) return self.all_recs
[docs]class ResBulkFetcher(BulkFetcherBase): """ reservation bulk fetch. """
[docs] def __init__(self, cae: ConsoleApp, allow_future_arrivals: bool = True): super(ResBulkFetcher, self).__init__(cae, add_kernel_port=False) self.allow_future_arrivals = allow_future_arrivals self.date_from: = self.date_till: = self.max_length_of_stay = 33 self.fetch_chunk_pause_seconds = 1 self.search_flags = '' self.search_scope = '' self.allowed_mkt_src: List[str] = [] self.allowed_mkt_grp: List[str] = [] self.adult_pers_types = ''
[docs] def add_options(self): """ add command line options. """ super(ResBulkFetcher, self).add_options() self.cae.add_opt('dateFrom', "Date of first arrival", self.startup_date - datetime.timedelta(days=1), 'F') self.cae.add_opt('dateTill', "Date of last arrival", self.startup_date - datetime.timedelta(days=1), 'T')
[docs] def load_options(self): """ load command line options. """ super(ResBulkFetcher, self).load_options() cae = self.cae self.date_from: = cae.get_opt('dateFrom') self.date_till: = cae.get_opt('dateTill') if self.date_from > self.date_till: cae.po("Specified date range is invalid - dateFrom({}) has to be before dateTill({})." .format(self.date_from, self.date_till)) cae.shutdown(3318) elif not self.allow_future_arrivals and self.date_till > self.startup_date: cae.po("Future arrivals cannot be migrated - dateTill({}) has to be before {}." .format(self.date_till, self.startup_date)) cae.shutdown(3319) # fetch given date range in chunks to prevent timeouts and Sihot server blocking issues self.max_length_of_stay = min(max(1, cae.get_var('shFetchMaxDays', default_value=7)), 31) self.fetch_chunk_pause_seconds = cae.get_var('shFetchPauseSeconds', default_value=1) self.search_flags = cae.get_var('ResSearchFlags', default_value='ALL-HOTELS') self.search_scope = cae.get_var('ResSearchScope', default_value='NOORDERER;NORATES;NOPERSTYPES') self.allowed_mkt_src = cae.get_var('MarketSources', default_value=[]) self.allowed_mkt_grp = cae.get_var('MarketGroups', default_value=[]) self.adult_pers_types = cae.get_var('shAdultPersTypes')
[docs] def print_options(self): """ print command line options. """ super(ResBulkFetcher, self).print_options() cae = self.cae cae.po("Date range including check-ins from", self.date_from.strftime(SH_DATE_FORMAT), "and till/before", self.date_till.strftime(SH_DATE_FORMAT)) cae.po("Sihot Data Fetch-maximum days (1..31, recommended 1..7)", self.max_length_of_stay, " and -pause in seconds between fetches", self.fetch_chunk_pause_seconds) cae.po("Search flags:", self.search_flags) cae.po("Search scope:", self.search_scope) cae.po("Allowed Market Sources:", self.allowed_mkt_src or "ALL") cae.po("Allowed Market Groups/Channels:", self.allowed_mkt_grp or "ALL")
[docs] def date_range_str(self) -> str: """ determine date range as string value. """ from_date = self.date_from.strftime(SH_DATE_FORMAT) return "ON " + from_date if self.date_till != self.date_from else \ ("BETWEEN" + from_date + " AND " + self.date_till.strftime(SH_DATE_FORMAT))
[docs] def fetch_all(self) -> Records: """ fetch bulk reservation data. """ self.all_recs = res_search(self.cae, self.date_from, self.date_till, mkt_sources=self.allowed_mkt_src, mkt_groups=self.allowed_mkt_grp, max_los=self.max_length_of_stay, search_flags=self.search_flags, search_scope=self.search_scope, chunk_pause=self.fetch_chunk_pause_seconds) return self.all_recs
[docs]class ResSender(ResToSihot): """ helper class to send reservation records to Sihot. """
[docs] def send_rec(self, rec: Record) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ send reservation record. """ msg = "" try: err = self.send_res_to_sihot(rec, ensure_client_mode=ECM_DO_NOT_SEND_CLIENT) except Exception as ex: err = "ResSender.send_rec() exception: {}".format(full_stack_trace(ex)) if err: if err.startswith(ERR_MESSAGE_PREFIX_CONTINUE): msg = "Ignoring error '{}' in sending res-rec {}; WARNINGS={}".format(err, rec, self.get_warnings()) err = "" elif 'setDataRoom not available!' in err: # was: 'A_Persons::setDataRoom not available!' err = "Apartment {} occupied between {} and {} - created GDS-No {} for manual allocation." \ .format(rec.val('ResRoomNo'), rec.val('ResArrival'), rec.val('ResDeparture'), rec.val('ResGdsNo')) \ + (" Original error: {}; WARNINGS={}".format(err, self.get_warnings()) if self.debug_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL_ENABLED else "") elif self.debug_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL_ENABLED: msg = "Sent res: " + str(rec) warn_msg = self.get_warnings() if warn_msg: msg += "\nwarnings={}".format(warn_msg) return err, msg
[docs] def get_res_no(self) -> tuple: """ determine reservation number of sent reservation. """ return obj_id_to_res_no(self.cae, self.response.objid)