Source code for ae.sys_core

dynamic system configuration, initialization and connection

this module allows the dynamic (data-driven) configuration and connection of your application to all their needed
external systems (like servers, databases, cloud stores, ...).

system classes

the :class:`SystemBase` class represents a single system. the creation of instances of this class is automatically done
:ref:`dynamically <system-properties>` by the (mostly unique) instance of the class :class:`UsedSystems`.

each instance of :class:`SystemBase` is using a system-specific connector class to establish an internal connection to
the represented system. for the implementation of a connector class, simply inherit from the abstract base class
:class:`SystemConnectionBase` - also provided by this module.

by creating an instance of the class :class:`UsedSystems` you get a dictionary-like object with all the properties for
each configured system. the items of this dict are instances of the class :class:`SystemBase`.

.. _system-properties:

dynamic system properties

the properties of your systems are specified within config :ref:`files <config files>` as
:ref:`variables <config-variables>`.

the only mandatory config variable is a dict with the name `availableSystems`, with the system-ids as dict keys. the
items of this dict are also dicts with string keys and called `system configs`. only the key `name` is mandatory in
these system configs. the following system config dict keys are supported:

* **name** : system name (long name of system-id, only used for repr() and debugging).
* **credential_keys** : List[str] of credential keys needed to connect to this system.
* **feature_keys** : List[str] of feature keys supported by this system.
* **available_rec_types** : Dict[str, str] of supported rec type ids and names.
* **connector_module** : name of the connector package.module (def=ae.sys_data_<system-id-in-lower-case>).
* **connector_class** : name of the connector class (def=<system-id>SysConnector),

the value of each credential and feature key gets automatically dynamically read from a config option or variable. the
name of these config options/variables consists of the key string, prefixed with the system id in lower case. so if e.g.
the value of a credential key 'User' for the system id 'Abc' will be loaded from a config variable with the name
`abcUser`. all the credential and feature config variables can be either stored in the main or the systems section of
the config files - see also :func:`config_value`.

an example of a system configuration you find in the config file `test.cfg`, situated in the tests folder of this

multiple system configurations

to provide multiple system configurations for the same application (suite) you can use
individual config files for each application instance with a separate config file
(see .sys_env<SYS_ENV_ID>.cfg :ref:`here <config-files>`).
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import OrderedDict
import importlib
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Union, cast

from ae.core import DEBUG_LEVEL_DISABLED, DEBUG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, HIDDEN_CREDENTIALS   # type: ignore   # mypy
from ae.console import ConsoleApp                               # type: ignore   # mypy doesn't find namespace pkg

__version__ = '0.3.23'

SYS_SECTION_NAME = 'aeSystems'                  #: section name for system config variables

[docs]def config_value(var_name: str, console_app: ConsoleApp) -> Any: """ determine system configuration setting value from application config options/variables. :param var_name: config variable name. variable value gets searched in the application instance environment, first in the :ref:`application config options <config-options>`, then in the :ref:`application config variables <config-variables>` (first within the section MAIN_SECTION_NAME/aeOptions and then within SYS_SECTION_NAME/aeSystems. :param console_app: ConsoleApp instance of the application providing these config options/variables. :return: config variable value if found else None. """ val = console_app.get_var(var_name) if val is None: val = console_app.get_var(var_name, section=SYS_SECTION_NAME) return val
[docs]class SystemBase: """ instance represents an external system, including their system properties and a connection object. """ instances: int = 0
[docs] def __init__(self, sys_id: str, console_app: ConsoleApp, credentials: Dict[str, str], features: Sequence[str] = (), rec_types: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None): """ create new :class:`SystemBase` instance. :param sys_id: unique str to identify a system (also used as prefix/suffix). :param console_app: ConsoleApp instance of the application using these systems. :param credentials: dict to access system, containing e.g. user name, password, token, dsn... :param features: optional list with special features for this system (see SDF_* constants). :param rec_types: optional dict of available record types for this system. """ self.sys_id = sys_id #: system id self.console_app = console_app #: application instance and config environment self.credentials = credentials #: credentials to connect to this system self.features = features #: system specific features and configs self.available_rec_types: Dict[str, str] = \ rec_types or {} #: record types available in this system self.connection: Any = None #: object with opt. connect() and disconnect()/close() methods self.conn_error: str = "" #: error message of last system access or dis-/connect SystemBase.instances += 1
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: """ representation string of this :class:`SystemBase` instance. :return: representation string of this instance. """ ret = self.sys_id if self.conn_error: ret += "!" + self.conn_error if self.console_app.debug_level != DEBUG_LEVEL_DISABLED: cre = self.credentials ret += "&" + repr(cre if self.console_app.debug_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL_VERBOSE else {k: v for k, v in cre.items() if k.lower() not in HIDDEN_CREDENTIALS}) ret += "_" + repr(self.features) ret += "@" + repr(self.console_app.app_name) return ret
[docs] def connect(self, sys_config: Dict[str, str], force_reconnect: bool = False) -> str: """ connect this instance to his system using a system connector class. :param sys_config: dict with the :ref:`dynamic config properties of this system <system-properties>`. :param force_reconnect: optional; pass True to force re-connection (even if self.connection is already initialized). :return: error message or empty string in case of no errors while re-connecting. """ self.conn_error = "" if not self.connection or force_reconnect: mod_name = sys_config.get('connector_module', 'ae.sys_core_' + self.sys_id.lower()) connector_module = importlib.import_module(mod_name) cls_name = sys_config.get('connector_class', self.sys_id + 'SysConnector') connector_class = getattr(connector_module, cls_name) self.connection = connector_class(self) if self.connection and callable(getattr(self.connection, 'connect', False)): self.conn_error = self.connection.connect() if self.conn_error: self.connection = None return self.conn_error
[docs] def disconnect(self) -> str: """ disconnect this external system. :return: error message string or empty string if no errors occurred on disconnection. """ err_msg = "" if self.connection: if callable(getattr(self.connection, 'disconnect', False)): err_msg = self.connection.disconnect() elif callable(getattr(self.connection, 'close', False)): err_msg = self.connection.close() self.connection = None self.conn_error = err_msg return err_msg
[docs]class SystemConnectorBase(ABC): """ abstract system connector base class - sub-class establishes the connection to an external system. """ instances: int = 0
[docs] def __init__(self, system: SystemBase): """ create new :class:`SystemBase` instance. :param system: instance of :class:`SystemBase` class that is representing the system using this connection. """ self.system = system #: SystemBase instance self.console_app = system.console_app #: application instance and config environment self.last_err_msg: str = "" #: last system connection error message(s) SystemConnectorBase.instances += 1
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: """ representation string of this :class:`SystemBase` instance. :return: representation string of this instance. """ ret = self.system.sys_id if self.last_err_msg: ret += "!" + self.last_err_msg if self.console_app.debug_level != DEBUG_LEVEL_DISABLED: cre = self.system.credentials ret += "&" + repr(cre if self.console_app.debug_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL_VERBOSE else {k: v for k, v in cre.items() if k.lower() not in HIDDEN_CREDENTIALS}) ret += "_" + repr(self.system.features) ret += "@" + repr(self.console_app.app_name) return ret
[docs] @abstractmethod def connect(self) -> str: """ abstract method - raising NotImplementedError, so has to be implemented by the sub-class. """
[docs]class UsedSystems(OrderedDict): """ an instance of this class is keeping a dictionary of all the found and used systems of this application. the keys of this dictionary-like class are the system ids of your application. the items are instances of the :class:`SystemBase` class. each instance is providing additionally the following instance attributes: * *console_app* - instance of the :class:`~.console.ConsoleApp` class that is using these systems. * *available_systems* - system properties loaded from config files. all the system-specific properties are stored within the :class:`SystemBase` instances. """
[docs] def __init__(self, console_app: ConsoleApp, *selected_systems: str, **entered_credentials: str): """ create new instance of :class:`UsedSystems`. :param console_app: ConsoleApp instance of the application using these systems. :param selected_systems: optional iterable of system id strings of the available systems that have to be initialized for the app specified by the :paramref:`~UsedSystems.console_app` argument. if no system id get passed then all available systems will be initialized from the config variable `availableSystems`. :param entered_credentials: optional dict of credentials entered by a user at run-time (overwriting the values set in the related config variable `availableSystems`). the keys of this dictionary starting with the system id in lower case, followed by one of the key strings specified in the **credential_keys** config list (see :ref:`system-properties`). """ super().__init__() self._systems = self self.console_app = console_app conf_systems = config_value('availableSystems', self.console_app) if not conf_systems: # noinspection PyProtectedMember self.console_app.po(f"**** UsedSystems don't found the 'availableSystems' option or config variable" f"in the config files ({self.console_app._cfg_files})") return self.available_systems: Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[Dict[str, str], str]]] if selected_systems: self.available_systems = {k: v for k, v in conf_systems.items() if k in selected_systems} else: self.available_systems = conf_systems self._load_merge_cred_feat(entered_credentials)
[docs] def _load_merge_cred_feat(self, entered_credentials: Dict[str, str]): """ load and initialize all used system configs and merge entered credentials into it. :param entered_credentials: passed over unchanged from :class:`UsedSystems` - see :paramref:`~UsedSystems.entered_credentials`. """ debug_level = self.console_app.debug_level for sys_id, sys_config in self.available_systems.items(): self.console_app.po(f"### loading configuration of {sys_config.get('name')} system ({sys_id})...") credentials = {} for cred_key in sys_config.get('credential_keys', ()): cred_var = sys_id.lower() + cred_key found_cred = entered_credentials.get(cred_var, config_value(cred_var, self.console_app)) if found_cred is None: self.console_app.po(f"*** ignoring system {sys_id}; credential {cred_var} undefined/incomplete") break # ignore/skip not fully specified system - continue with next available system credentials[cred_key] = found_cred if debug_level > DEBUG_LEVEL_DISABLED: if debug_level < DEBUG_LEVEL_VERBOSE and cred_key.lower() in HIDDEN_CREDENTIALS: found_cred = "<hidden>" self.console_app.po(f".. found credential {cred_var}={found_cred}") else: # now collect features for this system with complete credentials features = [] for feat_key in sys_config.get('feature_keys', ()): feat_var = sys_id.lower() + feat_key found_feat = config_value(feat_var, self.console_app) if found_feat: feat_key += '=' + str(found_feat) features.append(feat_key) if debug_level > DEBUG_LEVEL_DISABLED: self.console_app.po(f".. found feature {feat_var}={found_feat}") # finally add system to this used systems instance self._add_system(sys_id, credentials, features=features)
[docs] def _add_system(self, sys_id: str, credentials: Dict[str, str], features: Sequence[str] = ()): """ add new :class:`SystemBase` instance to this :class:`UsedSystems` instance. :param sys_id: system id. :param credentials: credentials of the new system to add. :param features: optional list with special features for this system (see SDF_* constants). """ assert sys_id in self.available_systems, f"UsedSystems._add_system(): unsupported system id {sys_id}" assert sys_id not in self._systems, f"UsedSystems._add_system(): system id {sys_id} already specified" rec_types = cast(Optional[Dict[str, str]], self.available_systems[sys_id].get('available_rec_types')) self._systems[sys_id] = SystemBase(sys_id, self.console_app, credentials, features, rec_types)
[docs] def connect(self, force_reconnect: bool = False) -> str: """ connect all the selected systems of this instance. :param force_reconnect: optional; pass True to force re-connection (even if self.connection is initialized). :return: error message or empty string in case of no errors while re-connecting. """ errors = [] for sys_id, system in self._systems.items(): assert sys_id in self.available_systems, f"sys_config for system {sys_id} missing" if system.connect(self.available_systems[sys_id], force_reconnect=force_reconnect)\ or not system.connection: errors.append(system.conn_error or f"{sys_id} connection failed") if errors: errors.insert(0, f"#### UsedSystems.connect({force_reconnect}):") return "\n # ".join(errors)
[docs] def disconnect(self) -> str: """ disconnect all available and already connected systems. :return: error message string or empty string if no errors occurred on disconnection. """ errors = [] for system in self._systems.values(): err_msg = system.disconnect() if err_msg: errors.append(err_msg) return "\n # ".join(["#### UsedSystems.disconnect():"] + errors) if errors else ""