Source code for ae.kivy_sideloading

kivy mixin and widgets to integrate a sideloading server in your app

this namespace portion provides widgets and a mixin class for you main app instance to easily integrate and control
the `ae sideloading server <ae.sideloading_server>` into your :class:`main app <ae.kivy.apps.KivyMainApp>`.

kivy sideloading integration into your main app class

add the :class:`SideloadingMainAppMixin` mixin provided by this ae namespace portion to your main app class::

    class MyMainAppClass(SideloadingMainAppMixin, KivyMainApp):

the sub app of the sideloading server will then automatically be instantiated when your app starts and will initialize
the :attr:`~SideloadingMainAppMixin.sideloading_app` attribute with this sub app instance.

.. hint::
    if you prefer to instantiate the sideloading server sub app manually then specify :class:`SideloadingMainAppMixin`
    after :class:`~ae.kivy.apps.KivyMainApp` in the declaration of your main app class.

adding `sideloading_active` to the `:ref:`app state variables` of your app's :ref:`config files` will ensure that the
running status of the sideloading server gets automatically stored persistent on pause or stop of the app for the next
app start.

the running status of the sideloading server will be restored in the app start event handler method

to manually start it offering the APK of the embedding app call the
:meth:`~SideloadingMainAppMixin.on_sideloading_server_start` method passing an empty string and dict::

    self.on_sideloading_server_start("", {})

.. hint:: when you pass the dict with a number in a 'port' key then this number will be used as server listening port.

if no 'port' gets specified then :class:`SideloadingMainAppMixin` will calculate an individual port number from the
first character of the :attr:`~ae.core.AppBase.app_name` of the app mixing in this class. this is to prevent
the server socket error `[Errno 98] Address already in use` if two different applications with sideloading are
running on the same device and want to offer sideloading.

to manually pause the sideloading server call the
:meth:`~SideloadingMainAppMixin.on_sideloading_server_stop` method passing an empty string and dict::

    self.on_sideloading_server_stop("", {})

usage of the sideloading button

this ae namespace portion is additionally providing the `SideloadingButton` flow button widget to integrate it in
your Kivy app. This button can be used to:

* start or stop the sideloading server,
* select a file for sideloading via the :class:`~ae.kivy_file_chooser.FileChooserPopup`.
* display file info like full file path and file length.
* display the URL of your sideloading server as QR code to allow connections from other devices.

to optionally integrate this `SideloadingButton` into your app add it to the root layout in your app's main kv file
with the `id` `sideloading_button`::

            id: sideloading_button

if the sideloading server is not active and the user is clicking the `SideloadingButton` then this portion will
first check if the `Downloads` folder of the device is containing an APK file for the running app and if yes then the
sideloading server will be started providing the found APK file.

ff the sideloading server is instead already running/active and the user is tapping on the `SideloadingButton` then a
dropdown menu will be shown with options to (1) display info of the sideloading file, (2) select a new file, (3)
display the sideloading server URL as QR code or (4) stop the sideloading server.

dependencies/requirements in `buildozer.spec`

to build an Android APK with the kivy sideloading server integrated, make sure that the following external packages
are specified in the `requirements` setting of the `[app]` section of your `buildozer.spec` file.

* ae.kivy_file_chooser
* ae.kivy_iterable_displayer
* ae.kivy_qr_displayer
* ae.kivy_sideloading
* ae.sideloading_server
* kivy_garden.qrcode
* qrcode

additionally, the following packages and ae namespace portions required by the above packages have to be included::

        qrcode, kivy_garden.qrcode,
        ae.base, ae.files, ae.paths, ae.deep, ae.dynamicod, ae.i18n,
        ae.updater, ae.core, ae.literal, ae.console, ae.parse_date, ae.gui_app,
        ae.gui_help, ae.kivy_auto_width, ae.kivy_dyn_chi,
        ae.kivy_relief_canvas, ae.kivy, ae.kivy_user_prefs, ae.kivy_glsl,
        ae.kivy_file_chooser, ae.sideloading_server, ae.kivy_sideloading,
        ae.kivy_iterable_displayer, ae.kivy_qr_displayer

sideloading server life cycle

to activate the sideloading server to offer a different file, specify the path (or glob file mask) of the file to be
offered/available via sideloading in the :attr:`~SideloadingMainAppMixin.sideloading_file_mask` attribute and then call
the method :meth:`~SideloadingMainAppMixin.on_sideloading_server_start`. this method will check if the specified file
exists and if yes then it will start the sideloading server. if you specify a file mask instead of a concrete file path
then this method will check if exists exactly one file matching the file mask.

after the start of the sideloading server the :attr:`~SideloadingMainAppMixin.sideloading_file_ext` attribute will
contain the file extension of the file available via sideloading.

the sideloading server will automatically be shut down on quit/close of the embedding app. you can alternatively stop
the sideloading server manually at any time by calling the :meth:`~SideloadingMainAppMixin.on_sideloading_server_stop`
import os

from typing import Callable, List, Optional

from import App                                                                    # type: ignore
from kivy.clock import mainthread                                                           # type: ignore
from kivy.lang import Builder                                                               # type: ignore
from kivy.uix.widget import Widget                                                          # type: ignore

from ae.files import file_transfer_progress                                                 # type: ignore
from ae.i18n import register_package_translations                                           # type: ignore
from ae.sideloading_server import (                                                         # type: ignore
    DEFAULT_FILE_MASK, FILE_COUNT_MISMATCH, server_factory, update_handler_progress, SideloadingServerApp)
from ae.gui_app import (                                                                    # type: ignore
    APP_STATE_SECTION_NAME, EventKwargsType, id_of_flow, register_package_images, update_tap_kwargs)
from ae.gui_help import HelpAppBase, TourDropdownFromButton                                 # type: ignore
from ae.kivy.widgets import FlowDropDown                                                    # type: ignore
from ae.kivy.i18n import get_txt                                                            # type: ignore

import ae.kivy_file_chooser                                                                 # type: ignore # noqa: F401
import ae.kivy_iterable_displayer                                                           # type: ignore # noqa: F401
import ae.kivy_qr_displayer                                                                 # type: ignore # noqa: F401

__version__ = '0.3.20'


# load/declare package widgets
Builder.load_file(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "widgets.kv"))

[docs]class SideloadingMenuPopup(FlowDropDown): # pragma: no cover """ dropdown menu to control sideloading server. """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) app = App.get_running_app() main_app = app.main_app sideloading_button = app.root.ids.sideloading_button self.child_data_maps = [] file_path = main_app.sideloading_app.file_path if file_path or main_app.debug: data = dict(mask=main_app.sideloading_file_mask or DEFAULT_FILE_MASK, extension=main_app.sideloading_file_ext, path=file_path) if file_path: file_size = os.path.getsize(file_path) data['size'] = file_transfer_progress(file_size) + (f" ({file_size} bytes)" if main_app.debug else "") self.child_data_maps.append(dict(kwargs=dict( text=get_txt("sideloading file info"), tap_flow_id=id_of_flow('open', 'iterable_displayer', 'sideloading file info'), tap_kwargs=dict(popups_to_close=(self, ), popup_kwargs=dict(title=os.path.basename(file_path), data=data), tap_widget=sideloading_button)))) self.child_data_maps.append(dict(kwargs=dict( text=get_txt("select file for sideloading"), tap_flow_id=id_of_flow('open', 'file_chooser', 'sideloading_file_mask'), tap_kwargs=dict(popups_to_close=(self, ), popup_kwargs=dict(submit_to='sideloading_file_mask'), tap_widget=sideloading_button)))) self.child_data_maps.append(dict(kwargs=dict( text=get_txt("display sideloading address/QR code"), tap_flow_id=id_of_flow('open', 'qr_displayer', 'sideloading_url'), tap_kwargs=dict(popups_to_close=(self, ), popup_kwargs=dict(title=main_app.sideloading_app.server_url(), qr_content=get_txt("sideloading url")), tap_widget=sideloading_button)))) action = 'stop' if main_app.sideloading_active else 'start' self.child_data_maps.append(dict(kwargs=dict( text=get_txt(action + " sideloading server"), tap_flow_id=id_of_flow(action, 'sideloading_server'), tap_kwargs=dict(popups_to_close=(self, ), tap_widget=sideloading_button))))
[docs]class SideloadingMenuTour(TourDropdownFromButton): # pragma: no cover """ user preferences menu tour. """
[docs] def __init__(self, main_app: HelpAppBase): super().__init__(main_app) self.page_ids = [id_of_flow('open', 'sideloading_menu'), TourDropdownFromButton.determine_page_ids]
[docs]class SideloadingMainAppMixin: # pragma: no cover """ mixin class with default methods for the main app class. """ # abstract attributes/properties and methods provided by the main app instance where this get mixed into app_name: str change_app_state: Callable change_flow: Callable dpo: Callable framework_root: Widget get_opt: Callable show_message: Callable user_specific_cfg_vars: set vpo: Callable # implemented attributes file_chooser_initial_path: str = "" #: used by :mod:`~ae.file_chooser` to select side-loaded file file_chooser_paths: List[str] = [] #: recently used paths as app state for file chooser sideloading_active: tuple = () #: app state flag if sideloading server is running sideloading_app: SideloadingServerApp #: http sideloading server console app sideloading_file_ext: str = "." #: extension of selected sideloading file sideloading_file_mask: str = "" #: file mask of sideloading file
[docs] def _init_default_user_cfg_vars(self): # noinspection PyProtectedMember,PyUnresolvedReferences super()._init_default_user_cfg_vars() self.user_specific_cfg_vars |= { # pylint: disable=no-member (APP_STATE_SECTION_NAME, 'file_chooser_initial_path'), (APP_STATE_SECTION_NAME, 'file_chooser_paths'), (APP_STATE_SECTION_NAME, 'sideloading_active'), }
[docs] def on_app_run(self): """ run app event. """ self.vpo("SideloadingMainAppMixin.on_app_run") # instantiate sideloading sub app and optionally simple http server for apk sideloading self.sideloading_app = server_factory(task_id_func=id_of_flow) self.sideloading_app.run_app() super_method: Optional[Callable] = getattr(super(), 'on_app_run', None) if callable(super_method): super_method() # pylint: disable=not-callable
[docs] def on_app_started(self): """ initialize and start shaders after kivy app, window and widget root got initialized. """ super_method: Optional[Callable] = getattr(super(), 'on_app_started', None) if callable(super_method): super_method() # pylint: disable=not-callable if self.sideloading_active: self.on_sideloading_server_start("", {})
[docs] def on_debug_level_change(self, level_name: str, _event_kwargs: EventKwargsType) -> bool: """ debug level app state change flow change confirmation event handler. :param level_name: the new debug level name to be set (passed as flow key). :param _event_kwargs: unused event kwargs. :return: True to confirm the debug level change. """ super_method: Optional[Callable] = getattr(super(), 'on_debug_level_change', None) if not callable(super_method) or super_method(level_name, _event_kwargs): # pylint: disable=not-callable self.vpo(f"SideloadingMainAppMixin.on_debug_level_change to {level_name}") self.sideloading_app.set_opt('debug_level', self.get_opt('debug_level')) return True return False
[docs] def on_file_chooser_submit(self, file_path: str, chooser_popup: Widget): """ event callback from FileChooserPopup.on_submit() on selection of file. :param file_path: path string of selected file. :param chooser_popup: file chooser popup/container widget. """ pre = "SideloadingMainAppMixin.on_file_chooser_submit: " self.vpo(f"{pre}file={file_path}; popup={chooser_popup}") if chooser_popup.submit_to != 'sideloading_file_mask': self.dpo(f"{pre}called with submit_to='{chooser_popup.submit_to}'") return if not os.path.isfile(file_path): self.show_message(get_txt("folders can't be send via sideloading"), title=get_txt("select single file")) return self.sideloading_file_mask = file_path if self.sideloading_active: self.on_sideloading_server_stop("", {}) self.on_sideloading_server_start("", {}) chooser_popup.dismiss()
[docs] def on_sideloading_server_start(self, _flow_key: str, event_kwargs: EventKwargsType) -> bool: """ start the sideloading server. :param _flow_key: unused/empty flow key. :param event_kwargs: event kwargs: * 'port': TCP/IP server listening port. * 'tap_widget': button instance that initiated the start of the server. :return: always True to confirm change of flow id. """ @mainthread def _upd_pr(client_ip: str = "", transferred_bytes: int = -6, total_bytes: int = 0, **kwargs): """ update handler attributes for sideloading_app.client_progress and sideloading progress bars. """ update_handler_progress( client_ip=client_ip, transferred_bytes=transferred_bytes, total_bytes=total_bytes, **kwargs) client_ips = list(sap.client_handlers.keys()) if client_ips and total_bytes: fore_last, last = self.sideloading_active if client_ip == client_ips[-1]: last = transferred_bytes / total_bytes elif len(client_ips) > 1 and client_ip == client_ips[-2]: fore_last = transferred_bytes / total_bytes self.change_app_state('sideloading_active', (fore_last, last)) pre = "SideloadingMainAppMixin.on_sideloading_server_start: " self.vpo(f"{pre}event_kwargs={event_kwargs}") if self.sideloading_active: self.vpo(f"{pre}stop running sideloading server to restart") self.on_sideloading_server_stop("", {}) sap = self.sideloading_app sap.set_opt('port', event_kwargs.get('port', 33300 + ord(self.app_name[0])), save_to_config=False) err = sap.start_server(file_mask=self.sideloading_file_mask, progress=_upd_pr, threaded=True) if err: self.show_message(err, title=get_txt("server start error")) if FILE_COUNT_MISMATCH in err and 'tap_widget' in event_kwargs: # let user select APK if match-count != 1 self.change_flow(id_of_flow('open', 'file_chooser', 'sideloading_file_mask'), **update_tap_kwargs(event_kwargs['tap_widget'], popup_kwargs=dict(submit_to='sideloading_file_mask'))) return False self.sideloading_file_ext = os.path.splitext(sap.file_path)[1][1:] if event_kwargs: # only display qr code if called from sideloading_button url = sap.server_url() self.change_flow(id_of_flow('open', 'qr_displayer', 'sideloading_url'), popup_kwargs=dict(title=url, qr_content=get_txt("sideloading url"))) self.change_app_state('sideloading_active', (0.0, 0.0)) return True
[docs] def on_sideloading_server_stop(self, _flow_key: str, _event_kwargs: EventKwargsType) -> bool: """ stop a running sideloading http server. :param _flow_key: unused/empty flow key. :param _event_kwargs: unused event kwargs. :re change of flow id. """ self.vpo("SideloadingMainAppMixin.on_sideloading_server_stop") self.sideloading_app.stop_server() self.change_app_state('sideloading_active', ()) return True