Source code for ae.kivy_relief_canvas

inner/outer elliptic/square reliefs for any kivy widget

the :class:`ReliefCanvas` mixin class of this ae namespace portion can be added to any square or elliptic Kivy widget
to draw an inner and/or outer relief, in order to convert your widget to have an outstanding or sunken 3D-appearance.
from typing import Any, Callable, Tuple, Union

from import Color, Line                                                       # type: ignore
from kivy.factory import Factory                                                            # type: ignore
# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from import InstructionGroup                                     # type: ignore # noqa: E0611
from import ListProperty, NumericProperty, ObjectProperty                   # type: ignore # noqa: E0611

from ae.gui_app import ColorRGB, ColorOrInk                                                 # type: ignore

__version__ = '0.3.10'


ReliefColors = Union[Tuple[ColorRGB, ColorRGB], Tuple]  #: tuple of (top, bottom) relief colors or empty tuple
ReliefBrightness = Tuple[float, float]                  #: top and bottom brightness/darken factor

[docs]def relief_colors(color_or_ink: ColorOrInk = (0, 0, 0), darken_factors: ReliefBrightness = (0.6, 0.3)) -> ReliefColors: """ calculate the (top and bottom) colors used for the relief lines/drawings. :param color_or_ink: color used to calculate the relief colors from, which will first be lightened until one of the color parts (R, G or B) reach the value 1.0; then :paramref:`.darken factors` will be applied to the color parts. If not passed then grey colors will be returned. .. note:: if the alpha value of paramref:`~relief_colors.color_or_ink` is zero then no relief colors will be calculated and an empty tuple will be returned (disabling relief). :param darken_factors: two factors to darken (1) the top and (2) the bottom relief color parts. :return: tuple with darkened colors calculated from :paramref:`.color_or_ink` and :paramref:`.darken_factors` or an empty tuple if the alpha value of :paramref:`.color_or_ink` has a zero value. """ if len(color_or_ink) > 3 and not color_or_ink[3]: return () max_col_part = max(color_or_ink[:3]) if max_col_part == 0: # prevent zero division if color_or_ink is black/default lightened_color = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] else: brighten_factor = 1 / max_col_part lightened_color = [(col * brighten_factor) for col in color_or_ink[:3]] return tuple([col_part * darken for col_part in lightened_color] for darken in darken_factors)
[docs]class ReliefCanvas: # pragma: no cover """ relief canvas mixin class. to activate the drawing of a relief you have to specify two colors, one for the top part and another one for the bottom part of the relief, which are both stored in a single kivy property. the function :func:`relief_colors` can be used to calculate lightened and darkened values of the surface color of the widget:: MySquareRaisedWidgetWithColoredSurface: surface_color: 0.9, 0.6, 0.3, 1.0 relief_square_outer_colors: relief_colors(color_or_ink=self.surface_color) this will result in a raised widget with a square outer relief where the top/left relief color get a lightened value and the bottom/right relief a darkened value of the color specified by `surface_color`. using the default values will result in raised widgets with the inner part sunken, simulating the light source in the top left window border/corner. to make a sunken widget for the same light source position you simply have to flip the items of the :paramref:`~relief_colors.darken_factors` argument of the :func:`relief_colors` function. the following example shows this for a round/elliptic button widget:: MyRoundSunkenButton: relief_ellipse_outer_colors: relief_colors(darken_factors=(0.3, 0.6)) the other color attributes of this mixin class control the relief colors for the inner part of a square shaped widget (:attr:`.relief_square_inner_colors`) and for the inner part of an elliptic shape widget (:attr:`.relief_ellipse_inner_colors`). the depth of the outer raise/sunk effect can be controlled with the :attr:`.relief_square_outer_lines` property/attribute. :attr:`.relief_square_inner_lines` controls the raise/sunk depth of the inner surface of a square widget. :attr:`.relief_ellipse_inner_lines` and :attr:`.relief_ellipse_outer_lines` are doing the same for widgets with a round/elliptic shape. the properties :attr:`.relief_square_inner_offset` and :attr:`.relief_ellipse_inner_offset` are specifying the width of the widget border (the part between the outer and the inner relief) in pixels. .. note:: at least one of the classes that is mixing in this class has to inherit from Widget (or EventDispatcher) to get the widgets `pos`, `size`, `canvas` properties and the `bind` method. """ relief_pos_size = ListProperty([]) """ list/tuple of optional relief position and size (x, y, width, height) in pixels. if not specified or empty list/tuple, than the pos/size values of the mixing-in widget will be used instead. :attr:`relief_pos_size` is a :class:`` and defaults to an empty list. """ relief_ellipse_inner_colors: ReliefColors = ObjectProperty(()) """ list/tuple of ellipse inner (top, bottom) rgb colors. :attr:`relief_ellipse_inner_colors` is a :class:`` and defaults to an empty tuple. """ relief_ellipse_inner_lines = NumericProperty('3sp') """ number of ellipse inner lines/pixels to be drawn. :attr:`relief_ellipse_inner_lines` is a :class:`` and defaults to '3sp'. """ relief_ellipse_inner_offset = NumericProperty('1sp') """ number of pixels left unchanged at the border of the inner elliptic surface before the inner relief starts. :attr:`relief_ellipse_inner_offset` is a :class:`` and defaults to '1sp'. """ relief_ellipse_outer_colors: ReliefColors = ObjectProperty(()) """ list/tuple of ellipse outer (top, bottom) rgb colors. :attr:`relief_ellipse_outer_colors` is a :class:`` and defaults to an empty tuple. """ relief_ellipse_outer_lines = NumericProperty('3sp') """ number of ellipse outer lines/pixels to be drawn. :attr:`relief_ellipse_outer_lines` is a :class:`` and defaults to '3sp'. """ relief_square_inner_colors = ObjectProperty(()) """ list/tuple of square inner (top, bottom) rgb colors. :attr:`relief_square_inner_colors` is a :class:`` and defaults to an empty tuple. """ relief_square_inner_lines = NumericProperty('3sp') """ number of square inner lines/pixels to be drawn. :attr:`relief_square_inner_lines` is a :class:`` and defaults to '3sp'. """ relief_square_inner_offset = NumericProperty('1sp') """ number of pixels left unchanged at the border of the square inner surface before the inner relief starts. :attr:`relief_square_inner_offset` is a :class:`` and defaults to '1sp'. """ relief_square_outer_colors: ReliefColors = ObjectProperty(()) """ list/tuple of square outer (top, bottom) rgb colors. :attr:`relief_square_outer_colors` is a :class:`` and defaults to an empty tuple. """ relief_square_outer_lines: NumericProperty = NumericProperty('3sp') """ number of square outer lines/pixels to be drawn. :attr:`relief_square_outer_lines` is a :class:`` and defaults to '3sp'. """ # attributes provided by the class to be mixed into bind: Any canvas: Any pos: list size: list
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) bind_func, bound_func = self.bind, self._relief_refresh bind_func(pos=bound_func) bind_func(size=bound_func) bind_func(relief_pos_size=bound_func) bind_func(relief_ellipse_inner_colors=bound_func) bind_func(relief_ellipse_inner_lines=bound_func) bind_func(relief_ellipse_inner_offset=bound_func) bind_func(relief_ellipse_outer_colors=bound_func) bind_func(relief_ellipse_outer_lines=bound_func) bind_func(relief_square_inner_colors=bound_func) bind_func(relief_square_inner_lines=bound_func) bind_func(relief_square_inner_offset=bound_func) bind_func(relief_square_outer_colors=bound_func) bind_func(relief_square_outer_lines=bound_func) self._relief_graphic_instructions = InstructionGroup()
[docs] def _relief_refresh(self, *_args): """ pos/size or color changed event handler. """ if self._relief_graphic_instructions.length(): self.canvas.after.remove(self._relief_graphic_instructions) self._relief_graphic_instructions.clear() add = self._relief_graphic_instructions.add pos_size = self.relief_pos_size or (*self.pos, *self.size) if self.relief_ellipse_inner_colors and self.relief_ellipse_inner_lines: self._relief_ellipse_inner_refresh(add, *self.relief_ellipse_inner_colors, *pos_size) if self.relief_ellipse_outer_colors and self.relief_ellipse_outer_lines: self._relief_ellipse_outer_refresh(add, *self.relief_ellipse_outer_colors, *pos_size) if self.relief_square_inner_colors and self.relief_square_inner_lines: self._relief_square_inner_refresh(add, *self.relief_square_inner_colors, *pos_size) if self.relief_square_outer_colors and self.relief_square_outer_lines: self._relief_square_outer_refresh(add, *self.relief_square_outer_colors, *pos_size) if self._relief_graphic_instructions.length(): self.canvas.after.add(self._relief_graphic_instructions)
[docs] def _relief_ellipse_inner_refresh(self, add_instruction: Callable, top_color: ColorRGB, bottom_color: ColorRGB, wid_x: float, wid_y: float, wid_width: float, wid_height: float): """ ellipse pos/size or color changed event handler. """ lines = int(self.relief_ellipse_inner_lines) offset = int(self.relief_ellipse_inner_offset) for line in range(1, lines + 1): alpha = 0.9 - (line / lines) * 0.8997 line += offset line2 = 2 * line in_x1 = wid_x + line in_y1 = wid_y + line in_width = wid_width - line2 in_height = wid_height - line2 add_instruction(Color(*top_color, alpha)) # inside top left add_instruction(Line(ellipse=[in_x1, in_y1, in_width, in_height, ANGLE_END, 360 + ANGLE_BEG])) add_instruction(Color(*bottom_color, alpha)) # inside bottom right add_instruction(Line(ellipse=[in_x1, in_y1, in_width, in_height, ANGLE_BEG, ANGLE_END]))
[docs] def _relief_ellipse_outer_refresh(self, add_instruction: Callable, top_color: ColorRGB, bottom_color: ColorRGB, wid_x: float, wid_y: float, wid_width: float, wid_height: float): """ ellipse pos/size or color changed event handler. """ lines = int(self.relief_ellipse_outer_lines) for line in range(1, lines + 1): alpha = 0.9 - (line / lines) * 0.8997 line2 = 2 * line out_x1 = wid_x - line out_y1 = wid_y - line out_width = wid_width + line2 out_height = wid_height + line2 add_instruction(Color(*top_color, alpha)) # outside top left add_instruction(Line(ellipse=[out_x1, out_y1, out_width, out_height, ANGLE_END, 360 + ANGLE_BEG])) add_instruction(Color(*bottom_color, alpha)) # outside bottom right add_instruction(Line(ellipse=[out_x1, out_y1, out_width, out_height, ANGLE_BEG, ANGLE_END]))
[docs] def _relief_square_inner_refresh(self, add_instruction: Callable, top_color: ColorRGB, bottom_color: ColorRGB, wid_x: float, wid_y: float, wid_width: float, wid_height: float): """ square pos/size or color changed event handler. """ lines = int(self.relief_square_inner_lines) offset = int(self.relief_square_inner_offset) for line in range(1, lines + 1): alpha = 0.9 - (line / lines) * 0.8997 line += offset line2 = 2 * line in_x1 = wid_x + line in_x2 = in_x1 + wid_width - line2 in_y1 = wid_y + line in_y2 = in_y1 + wid_height - line2 add_instruction(Color(*top_color, alpha)) # inside top left add_instruction(Line(points=[in_x1, in_y1, in_x1, in_y2, in_x2, in_y2])) add_instruction(Color(*bottom_color, alpha)) # inside bottom right add_instruction(Line(points=[in_x1, in_y1, in_x2, in_y1, in_x2, in_y2]))
[docs] def _relief_square_outer_refresh(self, add_instruction: Callable, top_color: ColorRGB, bottom_color: ColorRGB, wid_x: float, wid_y: float, wid_width: float, wid_height: float): """ square pos/size or color changed event handler. """ lines = int(self.relief_square_outer_lines) for line in range(1, lines + 1): alpha = 0.9 - (line / lines) * 0.8997 line2 = 2 * line out_x1 = wid_x - line out_x2 = out_x1 + wid_width + line2 out_y1 = wid_y - line out_y2 = out_y1 + wid_height + line2 add_instruction(Color(*top_color, alpha)) # outside upper left add_instruction(Line(points=[out_x1, out_y1, out_x1, out_y2, out_x2, out_y2])) add_instruction(Color(*bottom_color, alpha)) # outside bottom right add_instruction(Line(points=[out_x1, out_y1, out_x2, out_y1, out_x2, out_y2]))
Factory.register('ReliefCanvas', cls=ReliefCanvas)