Source code for ae.kivy_dyn_chi

dynamic children mix-in for kivy container widgets

this ae portion is providing the mixin class :class:`DynamicChildrenBehavior` to add children widgets dynamically
and data-driven to your kivy popup widget (like DropDowns, Popups, Menus, Selectors).
from collections import Counter
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Union

from kivy.factory import Factory                                                            # type: ignore
# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from import ListProperty                                                    # type: ignore # noqa: E0611
from kivy.uix.popup import Popup                                                            # type: ignore
from kivy.uix.widget import Widget                                                          # type: ignore

from ae.base import UNSET                                                                   # type: ignore
from ae.deep import deep_replace, deep_update, key_path_object                              # type: ignore

__version__ = '0.3.9'

AttrMapType = Dict[str, Any]                    #: child attribute (value of the 'kwargs' and 'attributes' keys)
DataItemValueType = Union[str, AttrMapType]     #: item dict value (str for 'cls' key, dict for 'kwargs'/'attributes')
DataItemType = Dict[str, DataItemValueType]     #: :attr:`DynamicChildrenBehavior.child_data_maps` item type
ChildrenDataType = List[DataItemType]           #: :attr:`DynamicChildrenBehavior.child_data_maps` type

[docs]def _child_data_dict(child_data: DataItemType, cls: str, key: str, defaults: Dict[str, Dict[str, AttrMapType]] ) -> AttrMapType: """ determine child data dict values and put children default values for the keys not specified in child data. """ val = defaults.get('', {}).get(key, {}).copy() # copy the defaults for all classes deep_update(val, defaults.get(cls, {}).get(key, {})) # merge/update with the defaults for the specified class deep_update(val, child_data.get(key, {})) # finally overwrite defaults with child data return val
[docs]class DynamicChildrenBehavior: """ mixin class for the dynamic creation/refresh of child widgets from a data map. at least one of the classes that is mixing in this class has to inherit from Widget (or EventDispatcher) to get the :attr:`~DynamicChildrenBehavior.child_data_maps` attribute correctly initialized and firing on change. """ child_data_defaults: ChildrenDataType = ListProperty() """ child data default values for all the children with the same `cls` key that are specified via the :attr:`ae.kivy_dyn_chi.DynamicChildrenBehavior.child_data_maps` property. if the `cls` key is missing or its item value is empty then the defaults in the other item values will be used for all children. :attr:`child_data_defaults` is a :class:`` and defaults to an empty list. """ child_data_maps: ChildrenDataType = ListProperty() """ list of child data dicts to instantiate the children of the inheriting layout/widget. each child data dict is defining its own widget with the following keys: * `cls`: either the class name or the class/type object of the widget to be created dynamically. * `kwargs`: dict of keyword arguments that will be passed to the constructor method of the widget. all values in this dict with the magic string `'replace_with_data_map_popup'` will be replaced with the instance of the container before it gets passed to the `__init__` method of the child (see :func:`~ae.deep.deep_replace`). * `attributes`: dict of attributes where the key is specifying the attribute name/path and the value the finally assigned attribute value. the attribute name (the key of this dict) can be a deep/combined attribute/index path which allows to update deeper objects within the child object (via :func:`~ae.deep.key_path_object`). all values in this dict with the magic string `'replace_with_data_map_popup'` will be replaced with the instance of the container before the child attributes get updated. all values in this dict with the magic string `'replace_with_data_map_child'` will be replaced with the instance of the child before they get applied to it (via :func:`~ae.deep.deep_replace`). :attr:`child_data_maps` is a :class:`` and defaults to an empty list. """ bind: Callable container: Widget _container: Widget
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ add dynamic creation and refresh of children to this layout (Popup/Dropdown/...) widget. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self._is_popup = isinstance(self, Popup) # True if inherits from :class:`~kivy.uix.popup.Popup` self._map_children = [] self.bind(child_data_defaults=self.refresh_child_data_widgets, child_data_maps=self.refresh_child_data_widgets) self.refresh_child_data_widgets(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def refresh_child_data_widgets(self, *_args, **init_kwargs): """ recreate dynamic children of the passed widget. :param _args: not needed extra args (only passed if this function get called as event handler). :param init_kwargs: container kwargs (passed from :meth:`~DynamicChildrenBehavior.__init__` method). """ if self._is_popup: children_container = init_kwargs.get('content', self._container) # self._container is self.ids.container else: children_container = init_kwargs.get('container', getattr(self, 'container', self)) if not hasattr(super(), 'container'): self.container = children_container for child in self._map_children: children_container.remove_widget(child) self._map_children.clear() child_data_defaults = self.child_data_defaults assert not [_c for _c, cnt in Counter(_.get('cls', '') for _ in child_data_defaults).items() if cnt > 1], \ "duplicate 'cls' entries in child_data_defaults are not allowed/supported" default_class = next((_.get('cls', '') for _ in child_data_defaults if _.get('cls', '')), 'FlowButton') class_defaults = {defaults.get('cls', ''): {key: attr for key, attr in defaults.items() if key != 'cls'} for defaults in child_data_defaults} for child_index, child_data in enumerate(self.child_data_maps): cls = child_data.get('cls', default_class) if isinstance(cls, str): nam = cls cls = Factory.get(nam) else: nam = cls.__name__ init_child_kwargs = _child_data_dict(child_data, nam, 'kwargs', class_defaults) deep_replace(init_child_kwargs, lambda p, k, v: self if v == 'replace_with_data_map_popup' else UNSET) child = cls(**init_child_kwargs) child.child_index = child_index attributes = _child_data_dict(child_data, nam, 'attributes', class_defaults) if attributes: deep_replace(attributes, lambda p, k, v: self if v == 'replace_with_data_map_popup' else UNSET) deep_replace(attributes, lambda p, k, v: child if v == 'replace_with_data_map_child' else UNSET) for attr_name, attr_value in attributes.items(): # setattr(child, attr_name, attr_value) does not support composed/deep keys/attributes key_path_object(child, attr_name, new_value=attr_value) children_container.add_widget(child) self._map_children.append(child)
Factory.register('DynamicChildrenBehavior', cls=DynamicChildrenBehavior)