Source code for ae.deep

easy handling of deeply nested data structures

this ``ae`` namespace portion is pure python, depends only on the Python runtime and the :mod:`ae.base` portion,
and provides functions for to read, update and delete values of deep data structures. more helper function to
prepare and convert data structures between different systems are available in the :mod:`ae.sys_data` module.

the root and node objects of deep data structures consisting of sequences (like list, tuple, ...), mappings
(dict, ...) and data (class) objects. the leaf data objects are mostly simple types like int, float or string.

deep data structure example

the following deep data structure is composed of the data class ``Person``, a member list and two dictionaries:

    >>> from dataclasses import dataclass
    >>> @dataclass
    ... class Person:
    ...     first_name: str
    ...     hobbies: List[str]

    >>> member_hobbies = [
    ...         "dancing",
    ...         "music",            # ...
    ...         ]

    >>> member_peter = Person(
    ...     first_name="Peter",
    ...     hobbies=member_hobbies,
    ...     # ...
    ...     )

    >>> member_list = [
    ...     member_peter,           # ...
    ...     ]

    >>> club_data = {
    ...     'city': "Madrid",
    ...     'members': member_list, # ...
    ...     }

    >>> clubs_mapping = {
    ...     'fun-club': club_data,  # ...
    ...     }

putting the above data structures together, results in a deep data structure, in where ``clubs_mapping`` represents
the root object.

the nodes of this deep data structure get referenced by ``club_data``, ``member_list``, ``member_peter`` and

the fields ``city``, ``first_name`` and the items ``0`` and ``1`` of ``member_hobbies`` (referencing the values
``"dancing"`` and ``"music"``) are finally representing the leafs of this data structure:

    >>> clubs_mapping == {
    ...     'fun-club': {
    ...         'city': "Madrid",
    ...         'members': [
    ...             Person(
    ...                 first_name="Peter",
    ...                 hobbies=[
    ...                     "dancing",
    ...                     "music",
    ...                 ]
    ...             ),
    ...         ]
    ...     }
    ... }

referencing a deep data object

there are two types of paths to reference the data items within a deep data structure:
``object key lists`` and ``key path strings``.

to get any node object or leaf value within a deep data structure, referenced by a key path string, call the functions
:func:`key_path_object`, which expects a data structure in its first argument :paramref:`~key_path_object.obj`
and a key path string in its :paramref:`~key_path_object.key_path` second argument.

in the following example, the function :func:`key_path_object` determines the first name object from the
``member_list`` data node:

    >>> key_path_object(member_list, '0.first_name')

to determine the same object via an object key list, use the function :func:`key_list_object`:

    >>> key_list_object([(member_list, 0),
    ...                  (member_peter, 'first_name')])

use the function :func:`key_path_string` to convert an object key list into a key path string. the following example
determines the same ``first_name`` data leaf object with an object key list:

    >>> key_path = key_path_string([(member_list, 0),
    ...                             (member_peter, 'first_name')])
    >>> print(repr(key_path))
    >>> key_path_object(member_list, key_path)

e.g. the more deep/complex key path string :code:`'fun-club.members.0.first_name.4'`, references the
5th character of the leaf object "Peter", this time from the root node of the example
data structure (``clubs_mapping``):

    >>> key_path_object(clubs_mapping, 'fun-club.members.0.first_name.4')

the same char object, referenced above with a key path string, can also be referenced with an object key list, with
the help of the function :func:`key_path_string`:

    >>> key_path_string([
    ...     (clubs_mapping, 'fun-club'),    # clubs_mapping['fun-club'] == club_data
    ...     (club_data, 'members'),         # club_data['members'] == member_list
    ...     (member_list, 0),               # member_list[0] == member_peter
    ...     (member_peter, 'first_name'),   # member_peter.first_name == "Peter"
    ...     ("Peter", 4),                   # "Peter"[4] == "r"
    ...     ])

helpers to examine deep data structures

the :func:`deep_search` function allows to scan and inspect all the elements of any deep data structure.
:func:`deep_search` can also be very useful for discovering internals of the Python language/libraries or to debug
and test deep and complex data structures.

:func:`object_items` is another useful helper function which is returning a list of key-value pairs of any type
of data node object.

helpers to change data in deep data structures

use the function :func:`replace_object` to change/replace a single node or leaf object within a deep data structure.
alternatively you could use :func:`key_path_object`, by passing the new value as additional argument to it.

for multiple/bulk changes use the function :func:`deep_replace`, which is traversing/scanning the entire data structure.

the function :func:`deep_update` merges two deep data structures.

to wipe any node/leaf from a deep data structure use the function :func:`pop_object`, which returns the old/removed
node, item or attribute value. another option to remove objects from a data structure is to use :func:`deep_update`
with data:`~ae.base.UNSET` values in its :paramref:`~deep_update.updating_obj` argument.

more details you find in the respective docstring of these functions.
import ast

from import Mapping, MutableMapping, MutableSequence, Sequence
from operator import getitem
from types import ModuleType
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union, cast

from ae.base import UNSET                                                           # type: ignore

__version__ = '0.3.10'

DataLeafTypesType = Tuple[Type, ...]                        #: list/tuple of types of deep data leaves
KeyType = Union[str, int, tuple]                            #: index/attribute types of deep data structures
KeyFilterCallable = Callable[[KeyType], bool]               #: callable to filter item key/index and attribute names
ObjKeysType = List[Tuple[Any, Any]]                         #: object key list of tuples of: object, key/index/attribute
ObjCheckCallable = Callable[[ObjKeysType, Any, Any], Any]   #: :func:`deep_replace`/:func:`deep_search` parameter type
ValueFilterCallable = Callable[[Any, ObjKeysType], bool]

MutableDataTypes = (MutableMapping, MutableSequence)        #: deep data structure node types

DEFAULT_LEAF_TYPES = (bytes, int, float, set, str, type)    #: default leaf types of deep data structures

KEY_PATH_SEPARATORS = ('.', '[', ']')                       #: separator characters in key path string

[docs]def key_filter_default(index_or_attr: KeyType) -> bool: """ default key filter callable, returning True to filter out key/index/attribute id/name. this function is the default value for the :paramref:`~object_items.key_filter` parameter of the deep scanning and traversing functions :func:`deep_replace`, :func:`deep_search`, :func:`deep_update` and :func:`object_items`. if you are using your own filter callable you could call this function from it to prevent endless recursion, especially if your deep data structures contains circular- or self-referencing objects, like e.g.: * self- or doubly-linked data structures (e.g. :attr:`` (self-linked) or :attr:`ae.kivy.apps.KivyMainApp.framework_app` and :attr:`ae.kivy.apps.FrameworkApp.main_app`). * back-linked data structures, like e.g. the :attr:`~kivy.uix.widget.Widget.parent` property in Kivy widget trees. * magic (two leading underscore characters) or internal (one leading underscore) attributes (e.g. via WindowSDL._WindowBase__instance). """ str_key = str(index_or_attr) return (str_key in ('canvas', 'global_variables', 'opener', 'parent', 'proxy_ref', 'root', 'root_window', 'self', 'texture') # tap_widget ... or str_key.startswith('_') or str_key.endswith('_app') # main_app, framework_app, fw_app, ... )
[docs]def value_filter_default(value: Any, obj_keys: ObjKeysType) -> bool: """ default item value filter callable, returning True to filter out values to be scanned deeper. this function is the default value for the :paramref:`~deep_replace.value_filter` parameter of the deep scanning and traversing functions :func:`deep_replace`, :func:`deep_search` and :func:`deep_update`. by using your own filter callable make sure to prevent endless processing or recursion, especially if your deep data structures contains circular- or self-referencing objects. e.g. some data value types have to be excluded from to be deeper processed to prevent RecursionError (endless recursion, e.g. on str values because str[i] is str, on int because int.denominator is int). """ return ( not value or isinstance(value, (float, int, str, type(None), Callable, ModuleType)) # type: ignore # Callable ok Py>=3.8 or any(obj is value for obj, _ in obj_keys) )
[docs]def deep_replace(obj: Any, replace_with: ObjCheckCallable, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments leaf_types: DataLeafTypesType = DEFAULT_LEAF_TYPES, key_filter: KeyFilterCallable = key_filter_default, value_filter: ValueFilterCallable = value_filter_default, obj_keys: Optional[ObjKeysType] = None) -> int: """ replace values (bottom up) within the passed (deeply nested) data structure. :param obj: mutable sequence or mapping data structure to be deep searched and replaced. can contain any combination of deep nested data objects. mutable node objects (e.g. dict/list) as well as the immutable types not included in :paramref:`~deep_replace.leaf_types` will be recursively deep searched (top down) by passing their items one by one to the callback function specified by :paramref:`~deep_replace.replace_with`. :param replace_with: called for each item with the 3 arguments object key list, key in parent data-structure, and the object/value. any return value other than :data:`~ae.base.UNSET` will be used to overwrite the node/leaf object in the data-structure. :param leaf_types: tuple of leaf types to skip from to be searched deeper. the default value of this parameter is specified in the modul constant :data:`DEFAULT_LEAF_TYPES`. :param key_filter: called for each sub-item/-attribute of the data structure specified by :paramref:`obj`. return True for item-key/item-index/attribute-name to be filtered out. by default all attribute/key names starting with an underscore character will be filtered out (see default callable :func:`key_filter_default`). :param value_filter: called for each sub-item/-attribute of the data structure specified by :paramref:`obj`. return True for items/attributes values to be filtered out. by default empty values, excluded values (see :data:`EXCLUDED_VALUE_TYPES`) and already scanned objects will be filtered out (see default callable :func:`value_filter_default`). :param obj_keys: used (internally only) to pass the parent data-struct path in recursive calls. :return: the number of levels of the first mutable data objects above the changed data object, or 0 of the changed data object is mutable. :raises: ValueError if no mutable parent object is in data structure (:paramref:`obj`). :raises: AttributeError e.g. if :paramref:`obj` is of type int, and `int` is missing in :paramref:`leaf_types`. .. note:: make sure to prevent overwrites on internal objects of the Python runtime, on some of them the Python interpreter could even crash (e.g. with: exit code 134 (interrupted by signal 6: SIGABRT)). """ if obj_keys is None: obj_keys = [] mutable_offset = 0 for key, value in object_items(obj, leaf_types=leaf_types, key_filter=key_filter): if mutable_offset: obj = key_list_object(obj_keys[-mutable_offset:]) obj_keys.append((obj, key)) new_value = replace_with(obj_keys, key, value) if new_value is not UNSET: mutable_offset = replace_object(obj_keys, new_value) elif not value_filter(value, obj_keys): mutable_offset = deep_replace(value, replace_with, leaf_types=leaf_types, key_filter=key_filter, value_filter=value_filter, obj_keys=obj_keys) obj_keys.pop() return max(mutable_offset - 1, 0)
[docs]def deep_update(obj: Any, updating_obj: Any, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments leaf_types: DataLeafTypesType = DEFAULT_LEAF_TYPES, key_filter: KeyFilterCallable = key_filter_default, value_filter: ValueFilterCallable = value_filter_default, obj_keys: Optional[ObjKeysType] = None ): """ merge the :paramref:`updating_obj` data structure into the similar structured node object :paramref:`obj`. :param obj: deep data object to update. :param updating_obj: data structure similar structured like the :paramref:`obj` argument with update values. a UNSET value will delete the item from the :paramref:`obj` argument. :param leaf_types: tuple of leaf types to skip from to be searched deeper. the default value of this parameter is specified in the modul constant :data:`DEFAULT_LEAF_TYPES`. :param key_filter: called for each sub-item/-attribute of the data structure specified by :paramref:`obj`. return True for item-key/item-index/attribute-name to be filtered out. by default all attribute/key names starting with an underscore character will be filtered out (see default callable :func:`key_filter_default`). :param value_filter: called for each sub-item/-attribute of the data structure specified by :paramref:`obj`. return True for items/attributes values to be filtered out. by default empty values, excluded values (see :data:`EXCLUDED_VALUE_TYPES`) and already scanned objects will be filtered out (see default callable :func:`value_filter_default`). :param obj_keys: used (internally only) to pass the parent data-struct path in recursive calls. """ if obj_keys is None: obj_keys = [] for key, value in reversed(object_items(updating_obj, leaf_types=leaf_types, key_filter=key_filter)): if value is UNSET: pop_object([(obj, key)]) continue obj_keys.append((obj, key)) obj_val = object_item_value(obj, key) if obj_val is UNSET or isinstance(obj_val, leaf_types): replace_object([(obj, key)], value) elif not value_filter(value, obj_keys): deep_update(obj_val, value, leaf_types=leaf_types, key_filter=key_filter, value_filter=value_filter, obj_keys=obj_keys) obj_keys.pop()
[docs]def key_list_object(obj_keys: ObjKeysType) -> Any: """ determine object in a deep nested data structure via an object key list. :param obj_keys: object key list. :return: recalculated object referenced by the first object and the keys of :paramref:`obj_keys` or `~ae.base.UNSET` if not found. :raises: TypeError if key does not match the object type in any item of :paramref:`obj_keys`. ValueError if :paramref:`obj_keys` is not of type :data:`ObjKeysType`. .. hint:: to include changes on immutable data structures, the returned object value gets recalculated, starting from the first object (:paramref:`obj_keys`[0][0]), going deeper via the key only (while ignoring all other child objects in the object key list specified by :paramref:`obj_keys`). """ if not obj_keys: return UNSET obj = obj_keys[0][0] for _, key in obj_keys: obj = object_item_value(obj, key) return obj
[docs]def key_path_object(obj: Any, key_path: str, new_value: Union[Any, None] = UNSET) -> Any: """ determine object in a deep nested data structure via a key path string, and optionally assign a new value to it. :param obj: initial data object to search in (and its sub-objects). :param key_path: composed key string containing dict keys, tuple/list/str indexes and object attribute names, separated by a dot character, like shown in the following examples: >>> class AClass: ... str_attr_name_a = "a_attr_val" ... dict_attr = {'a_str_key': 3, 999: "value_with_int_key", '999': "..str_key"} >>> class BClass: ... str_attr_name_b = "b_b_b_b_b" ... b_obj = AClass() >>> b = BClass() >>> assert key_path_object(b, 'str_attr_name_b') == "b_b_b_b_b" >>> assert key_path_object(b, 'b_obj.str_attr_name_a') == "a_attr_val" >>> assert key_path_object(b, 'b_obj.str_attr_name_a.5') == "r" # 6th chr of a_attr_val >>> assert key_path_object(b, 'b_obj.dict_attr.a_str_key') == 3 the item key or index value of lists and dictionaries can alternatively be specified in Python syntax, enclosed in [ and ]: >>> assert key_path_object(b, 'b_obj.dict_attr["a_str_key"]') == 3 >>> assert key_path_object(b, 'b_obj.dict_attr[\\'a_str_key\\']') == 3 >>> assert key_path_object(b, 'b_obj.dict_attr[999]') == "value_with_int_key" >>> assert key_path_object(b, 'b_obj.dict_attr["999"]') == "..str_key" only dict key strings that are not can be misinterpreted as number can be specified without the high commas (enclosing the key string), like e.g.: >>> assert key_path_object(b, 'b_obj.dict_attr[a_str_key]') == 3 :param new_value: optional new value - replacing the found object. the old object value will be returned. .. note:: immutable objects, like tuples, that are embedding in :paramref:`obj` will be automatically updated/replaced up in the data tree structure until a mutable object (list, dict or object) get found. :return: specified object/value (the old value if :paramref:`~key_path_object.new_value` got passed) or :data:`~ae.base.UNSET` if not found/exists (key path string is invalid). """ if key_path[0] == '[': key_path = key_path[1:] # to support fully specified indexes (starting with a square bracket) obj_keys = [] while key_path and obj is not UNSET: key, sep, key_path = next_key_of_path(key_path) next_sep = '' next_path = key_path while True: next_obj = object_item_value(obj, key) if next_obj is UNSET and next_sep == ']': next_obj = object_item_value(obj, key + next_sep) if next_obj is not UNSET: key_path = next_path break if not next_path: break next_key, next_sep, next_path = next_key_of_path(next_path) # search for str key with separator (.[]) key += sep + str(next_key) sep = next_sep obj_keys.append((obj, key)) obj = next_obj if new_value is not UNSET and obj_keys: replace_object(obj_keys, new_value) return obj
[docs]def key_path_string(obj_keys: ObjKeysType) -> str: """ convert obj keys path into deep object key path string. :param obj_keys: object key list to convert. :return: key path string of the object keys path specified by the :paramref:`obj_keys` argument. """ key_path = '' for _obj, key in obj_keys: key_path += '.' + str(key) # repr(key) not needed because high commas can be omitted from string keys return key_path[1:]
[docs]def key_value(key_str: str) -> Any: """ convert key string (mapping key, sequence index, obj attribute) into its value (str, int, float, tuple, ..). """ try: key = ast.literal_eval(key_str) except (SyntaxError, ValueError): key = key_str return key
[docs]def next_key_of_path(key_path: str) -> Tuple[Any, str, str]: """ parse key_path to determine the next item key/index, the path separator and the rest of the key path. :param key_path: data object key/index path string to parse. :return: tuple of key/index, the separator character and the (unparsed) rest of the key path (possibly an empty string). :raises: IndexError if the argument of :paramref:`key_path` is an empty string. """ idx = 0 char = key_path[0] if char in ('"', "'"): idx += 1 for char in key_path[idx:]: if char in KEY_PATH_SEPARATORS: # ~== char in '.[]' - keep string characters separate in tuple for speedup break idx += 1 key = key_value(key_path[:idx]) if char == ']': idx += 1 return key, char if char in KEY_PATH_SEPARATORS else '', key_path[idx + 1:]
[docs]def object_items(obj: Any, leaf_types: DataLeafTypesType = DEFAULT_LEAF_TYPES, key_filter: KeyFilterCallable = key_filter_default ) -> ObjKeysType: """ determine the items of a data object, with mapping keys, sequence indexes or attribute names and its values. :param obj: data structure/node object (list, dict, set, tuple, data object, ...). :param leaf_types: tuple of leaf types to skip from to be searched deeper. the default value of this parameter is specified in the modul constant :data:`DEFAULT_LEAF_TYPES`. :param key_filter: called for each sub-item/-attribute of the data structure specified by :paramref:`obj`. return True for item-key/item-index/attribute-name to be filtered out. by default all attribute/key names starting with an underscore character will be filtered out (see default callable :func:`key_filter_default`). :return: items view of the data object specified in the :paramref:`obj` argument. """ if isinstance(obj, leaf_types): return [] if isinstance(obj, Mapping): items = cast(ObjKeysType, obj.items()) elif isinstance(obj, (Sequence, set, str)): items = enumerate(obj) # type: ignore # treat tuple/lists/set index as dict key else: items = [] for key in dir(obj): # treat object attribute name as dict key try: items.append((key, getattr(obj, key))) except (AttributeError, IndexError, Exception): # pylint: disable=broad-except # pragma: no cover # ignore read-only attributes (e.g. # and generator-index ( pass return [(key, value) for key, value in items if not key_filter(key)]
[docs]def object_item_value(obj: Any, key: Any, default_value: Any = UNSET) -> Any: """ determine value of a data object item/attribute. :param obj: data structure object to get item/attribute value from. :param key: mapping key, attribute name or sequence index of the item/attribute. :param default_value: default value to return if the item/attribute does not exist in :paramref:`obj`. :return: data object item/attribute value or the :paramref:`default_value` if not found. """ get_func = getitem if isinstance(obj, (Mapping, Sequence, str)) else getattr try: return get_func(obj, key) # type: ignore except (AttributeError, IndexError, KeyError, ValueError): return default_value
[docs]def pop_object(obj_keys: ObjKeysType) -> List[Any]: """ delete sub-attribute/item of a data object. :param obj_keys: list of (object, key) tuples identifying an element within a deeply nested data structure or object hierarchy. the root of the data/object structure is the object at list index 0 and the element to be deleted is identified by the object and key in the last list item of this argument. the referenced data structure can contain even immutable node objects (like tuples) which will be accordingly changed/replaced if affected/needed. for that at least one object/element above the immutable object in the deep data structure has to be mutable, else a :class:`ValueError` will be raised. :return: list of deleted values or UNSET if not found. :raises: ValueError if no immutable parent object got found or if the :paramref:`obj_keys' is empty. IndexError if the one of the specified indexes in :paramref:`obj_keys` does not exist. """ new_value = pop_value = UNSET for obj, key_or_attr in reversed(obj_keys): if isinstance(obj, MutableDataTypes): if pop_value is UNSET: pop_value = obj.pop(key_or_attr) else: obj[key_or_attr] = new_value elif isinstance(obj, Sequence): if pop_value is UNSET: pop_value = obj[key_or_attr] new_value = obj[:key_or_attr] + obj[key_or_attr + 1:] # type: ignore else: if isinstance(obj, tuple): new_value = (new_value, ) new_value = obj[:key_or_attr] + new_value + obj[key_or_attr + 1:] continue else: if pop_value is UNSET: pop_value = getattr(obj, key_or_attr) delattr(obj.__class__, key_or_attr) else: setattr(obj, key_or_attr, new_value) return pop_value raise ValueError(f"pop_object() error: no mutable object found in {obj_keys}")
[docs]def replace_object(obj_keys: ObjKeysType, new_value: Any) -> int: """ set sub-attribute/item with a mutable parent object to a new value within a deeply nested object/data structure. :param obj_keys: list of (object, key) tuples identifying an element within a deeply nested data structure or object hierarchy. the root of the data/object structure is the object at list index 0 and the element to be changed is identified by the object and key in the last list item of this argument. the referenced data structure can contain immutable data node objects (like tuples) which will be accordingly changed/replaced if affected/needed. at least one object/element, situated above of replaced data object within the deep data structure, has to be mutable, else a :class:`ValueError` will be raised. :param new_value: value to be assigned to the element referenced by the last list item of the argument in :paramref:`~replace_object.obj_keys`. :return: the number of levels of the first mutable data objects above the changed data object, or 0 of the changed data object is mutable. :raises: ValueError if no immutable parent object got found or if the object key list in the :paramref:`obj_keys` argument is empty. """ mutable_offset = 0 for obj, key_or_attr in reversed(obj_keys): if isinstance(obj, MutableDataTypes): obj[key_or_attr] = new_value elif isinstance(obj, tuple): new_value = obj[:key_or_attr] + (new_value, ) + obj[key_or_attr + 1:] mutable_offset += 1 continue elif isinstance(key_or_attr, str): setattr(obj, key_or_attr, new_value) return mutable_offset raise ValueError(f"replace_object() error: no mutable (parent) object found in {obj_keys}")