Source code for ae.db_pg

postgres database layer

this module provides the class :class:`PostgresDb` to connect and interact with a Postgres database server.

the communication with the database driver is done with great help of the
`psycopg2 pypi package <>`_.

basic usage of ae.db_pg

to create an instance of the class :class:`PostgresDb` you first have to create a :class:`~ae.sys_core.SystemBase`
instance. this can be done either programmatically by providing an application instance (of the class
:class:`~ae.ae_console.ConsoleApp` or an inherited subclass of it) plus any database parameters, like required
credentials and any database configuration features/options::

    app = ConsoleApp()
    system = SystemBase('system-id', app, dict(User='user name', Password='password`, Dbname=...), ...)

alternatively provide all system-specific info within the :ref:`ae config files<config-files>` and let
:class:`~ae.sys_core.UsedSystems` load it::

    system = used_systems['system-id']

finally pass the database parameters in `system` to create an instance of :class:`PostgresDb`::

    pg_db = PostgresDb(system)

then call the :meth:`~PostgresDb.connect` method of this instance to connect to the Postgres database server::

    error_message = pg_db.connect()
    if error_message:

if the connection could not be established then  :meth:`~PostgresDb.connect` is returning an error message string. if
the return value is an empty string then you can use all the methods provided by :class:`~ae.db_core.DbBase`, like e.g.

    error_message = pg_db.update('my_table', {'my_col': 'new value'})
    if error_message:
        error_message = pg_db.rollback()

an explicit call of :meth:`~ae.db_core.DbBase.rollback` is only needed if you use transactions (autocommit is False).
in this case you should also use :meth:`~ae.db_core.DbBase.commit` at the end of each transaction to store any data

    error_message = pg_db.commit()

alternatively you can use the `commit` argument that is provided by the :class:`~ae.db_core.DbBase` DML methods: by
passing a `True` value to this argument, the method will automatically execute a :meth:`~ae.db_core.DbBase.commit` call
for you if no error occurred in the DML method::

    error_message = pg_db.update('table`, {'column': 369}, commit=True)

finally after all database actions are done you can close the connection to the databases server with the
:meth:`~ae.db_core.DbBase.close` method::

    error_message = pg_db.close()

from typing import Any, Dict, Optional

import psycopg2                         # type: ignore  # for mypy
# from psycopg2.extensions import ISOLATION_LEVEL_AUTOCOMMIT

from ae.sys_core import SystemBase      # type: ignore  # for mypy
from ae.db_core import DbBase           # type: ignore  # for mypy

__version__ = '0.3.7'

[docs]class PostgresDb(DbBase): """ an instance of this class represents a Postgres database. """
[docs] def __init__(self, system: SystemBase): """ create instance of Postgres database object :param system: instance of a :class:`~ae.sys_core.SystemBase` class. :class:`~ae.sys_core.SystemBase` (defined in the module :mod:`ae.sys_core`) is providing the credentials and features, which get retrieved from :ref:`config-files`, then converted by :meth:`~ae.db_core.DbBase.connect_params` into :ref:`connection parameters` to connect to the Postgres database. for connections via SSL to the Postgres server you have to add either the connection parameters **sslmode**, **sslcert** and **sslkey** or **sslrootcert** and **sslcrl** (depending on the configuration of your server). **features** : optional list of features. """ super().__init__(system) # for "named" PEP-0249 sql will be adapted to fit postgres driver "(pyformat)" sql bind-var/parameter syntax self.param_style = 'pyformat'
[docs] def connect(self) -> str: """ connect this instance to the Postgres database server, using the credentials provided at instantiation. :return: error message in case of error or empty string if not. """ self.last_err_msg = '' connection_params = self.connect_params() if 'application_name' not in connection_params and self.console_app.app_name: connection_params['application_name'] = self.console_app.app_name try: self.conn = psycopg2.connect(**connection_params) self.console_app.dpo(f"PostgresDb.connect(): connected" f" via api/server {psycopg2.apilevel}/{self.conn.server_version}" f" with encoding {self.conn.encoding} for {self}") except Exception as ex: self.last_err_msg = f"PostgresDb-connect() error: {ex} for {self}" else: self.create_cursor() return self.last_err_msg
[docs] def execute_sql(self, sql: str, commit: bool = False, bind_vars: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, auto_commit: bool = False) -> str: """ execute sql query or sql command. :param sql: sql query or command to execute. :param commit: pass True to commit (after INSERT or UPDATE queries). :param bind_vars: dict of bind variables (key=variable name, value=value). :param auto_commit: pass True activate auto-commit-mode for this postgres session. :return: last error message or empty string if no errors occurred. .. hint:: overwriting generic execute_sql for Postgres because if auto_commit is False then a db error is invalidating the connection until it gets rolled back (optionally to a save-point). unfortunately psycopg2 does not provide/implement save-points. could be done alternatively with execute("SAVEPOINT NonAutoCommErrRollback") but RELEASE/ROLLBACK makes it complicated (see also save_point = None if auto_commit else self.conn.setSavepoint('NonAutoCommErrRollback') super().execute_sql(sql, commit=commit, auto_commit=auto_commit, bind_vars=bind_vars) if save_point: if self.last_err_msg: self.conn.rollback(save_point) else: self.conn.releaseSavepoint(save_point) return self.last_err_msg therefore KISS - a simple rollback will do it also. """ if self.conn or not self.connect(): if auto_commit: self.conn.autocommit = True # or use: self.conn.set_isolation_level(ISOLATION_LEVEL_AUTOCOMMIT) super().execute_sql(sql, commit=commit, bind_vars=bind_vars) if self.last_err_msg and not auto_commit: self.console_app.dpo("PostgresDb.execute_sql(): automatic rollback after error (connection recycling)") self.conn.rollback() return self.last_err_msg