Source code for ae.db_ora

database system core layer to access Oracle databases

the class :class:`OraDb` of this namespace portion is a thin layer that is extending the :class:`~ae.db_core.DbBase` of
the module :mod:`ae.db_core` to connect to an Oracle database.

.. hint::
    this namespace portion is using the `cx_Oracle package <>`_
    as the database driver. the cx_Oracle package has to have at least version 5 or higher.

basic usage of the oracle database layer

to create an instance of the class :class:`OraDb` you first have to create a :class:`~ae.sys_core.SystemBase` instance.
this can be done either programmatically by providing an application instance (of the class
:class:`~ae.console.ConsoleApp` or an inherited sub-class of it) plus any database parameters, like required credentials
and any database configuration features/options::

    app = ConsoleApp()
    system = SystemBase('system-id', app, dict(User='user name', Password='password`, ...), ...)

alternatively provide all system-specific info within the :ref:`ae config files<config-files>` and let
:class:`~ae.sys_core.UsedSystems` load it::

    system = used_systems['system-id']

finally pass the database parameters in `system` to create an instance of :class:`OraDb`::

    ora_db = OraDb(system)

then call the :meth:`~OraDb.connect` method of this instance to connect to the Oracle database server::

    error_message = ora_db.connect()
    if error_message:

if the connection could not be established then :meth:`~OraDb.connect` is returning an error message string. if the
return value is an empty string then you can use all the methods provided by :class:`~ae.db_core.DbBase`, like e.g.

    error_message = ora_db.update('my_table`, {'my_col': 'new value'})
    if error_message:
        error_message = ora_db.rollback()

an explicit call of :meth:`~ae.db_core.DbBase.rollback` is only needed if you use transactions. in this case you should
also use :meth:`~ae.db_core.DbBase.commit` at the end of each transaction to store any data updates::

    error_message = ora_db.commit()

alternatively you can use the `commit` argument that is provided by the :class:`~ae.db_core.DbBase` DML methods: by
passing a `True` value to this argument, the method will automatically execute a :meth:`~ae.db_core.DbBase.commit` call
for you if no error occurred in the DML method::

    error_message = ora_db.update('table`, {'column': 369}, commit=True)

finally after all database actions are done you can close the connection to the databases server with the
:meth:`~ae.db_core.DbBase.close` method::

    error_message = ora_db.close()

import datetime
import os
from typing import Any, Union

import cx_Oracle                                    # type: ignore

from ae.db_core import DbBase, SystemBase           # type: ignore  # SystemBase is an indirect import from ae.sys_core

__version__ = '0.3.7'

[docs]class OraDb(DbBase): """ Oracle database class, based on :class:`~.db_core.DbBase` """
[docs] def __init__(self, system: SystemBase): """ create instance of oracle database object. :param system: instance of a :class:`~ae.sys_core.SystemBase` class. :class:`~ae.sys_core.SystemBase` (defined in the module :mod:`ae.sys_core`) is providing the credentials and features, which get retrieved from :ref:`config-files`, then converted by :meth:`~ae.db_core.DbBase.connect_params` into :ref:`connection parameters` to connect to the Postgres database. if you experiencing the following unicode encoding error:: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte 0x90 in position 2: character maps to <undefined> don't try to create a type handler like recommended in some places - still got same error after adding the following method to replace the self.conn.outputtypehandler of the database driver:: def output_type_handler(cursor, name, default_type, size, precision, scale): if default_type in (cx_Oracle.STRING, cx_Oracle.FIXED_CHAR): return cursor.var(cx_Oracle.NCHAR, size, cursor.arraysize) luckily, finally found workaround by setting the following OS environment variable to the character set of the used Oracle server (here UTF8):: os.environ["NLS_LANG"] = ".AL32UTF8" """ super().__init__(system) os.environ["NLS_LANG"] = '.AL32UTF8'
[docs] def connect(self) -> str: """ connect this instance to the database driver. """ self.last_err_msg = '' conn_args = self.connect_params() user = conn_args.get('user') password = conn_args.get('password') dsn: str = conn_args.get('dsn') if dsn: if dsn.count(':') == 1 and dsn.count('/@') == 1: # old style format == host:port/@SID host, rest = dsn.split(':', maxsplit=1) port, service_id = rest.split('/@', maxsplit=1) dsn = cx_Oracle.makedsn(host=host, port=port, sid=service_id) elif dsn and dsn.count(':') == 1 and dsn.count('/') == 1: # old style format == host:port/service_name host, rest = dsn.split(':', maxsplit=1) port, service_name = rest.split('/', maxsplit=1) dsn = cx_Oracle.makedsn(host=host, port=port, service_name=service_name) else: make_dsn_args = {k: v for k, v in conn_args.items() if k not in ('user', 'password')} dsn = cx_Oracle.makedsn(**make_dsn_args) app_name = self.console_app.app_name try: # connect old style (using conn str): cx_Oracle.connect(self.usr + '/"' + self.pwd + '"@' + self.dsn) if cx_Oracle.__version__ >= '6': # sys context is using appcontext kwarg starting with cx_Oracle Version 6, which is # .. list of 3-tuples. so since V6 need to replace clientinfo kwarg with appcontext=app_ctx name_space = "CLIENTCONTEXT" # fetch in Oracle with SELECT SYS_CONTEXT(NAMESPACE, "APP") FROM DUAL app_ctx = [(name_space, "APP", app_name), (name_space, "LANG", "Python"), (name_space, "MOD", "ae.db_ora")] self.conn = cx_Oracle.connect(user=user, password=password, dsn=dsn, appcontext=app_ctx) else: # sys context old style (until cx_Oracle Version 5 using clientinfo): self.conn = cx_Oracle.connect(user=user, password=password, dsn=dsn, clientinfo=app_name) # self.conn.outputtypehandler = output_type_handler # see also comment in OraDb.__init__() self.console_app.dpo(f"OraDb.connect(): connected" f" via client version {cx_Oracle.clientversion()}/{cx_Oracle.apilevel}" f" with n-/encoding {self.conn.nencoding}/{self.conn.encoding} for {self}") except Exception as ex: self.last_err_msg = f"OraDb-connect() error '{ex}' for {self}" else: self.create_cursor() return self.last_err_msg
[docs] def prepare_ref_param(self, value: Union[datetime.datetime, int, float, str]) -> Any: """ prepare special Oracle reference parameter. :param value: the input value passed into the reference parameter of the called stored procedure. :return: a handle to the reference variable. the following code snippet shows how to use this method together with :meth:`~.get_value` to retrieve the returned value of a reference parameter:: ora_db = OraDb(...) *ref_var* = ora_db.prepare_ref_param("input_value") err_msg = ora_db.call_proc('STORED_PROCEDURE', (*ref_var*, ...)) if not err_msg: output_value = ora_db.get_value(*ref_var*) """ if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): # also True if value is because inherits from datetime ora_type = cx_Oracle.DATETIME elif isinstance(value, int) or isinstance(value, float): ora_type = cx_Oracle.NUMBER else: ora_type = cx_Oracle.STRING value = str(value) ref_var = self.curs.var(ora_type) if value is not None: self.set_value(ref_var, value) return ref_var
[docs] @staticmethod def get_value(var) -> Any: """ get output value from a reference variable passed into a stored procedure. :param var: handle to a reference variable. :return: output value of the reference variable. """ return var.getvalue()
[docs] @staticmethod def set_value(var: Any, value: Union[datetime.datetime, int, float, str]): """ set the input value of a reference variable to pass into a stored procedure. :param var: handle to the reference variable to set. :param value: value to set as input value of the reference variable. """ var.setvalue(0, value)